If this is in today's Watchtower (study... ???) (This is Sun . June 22, 2014, 10:45 AM) How do people sit there like bumps on a log, without laughing their heads off? I mean, you can only stifle a laugh so much... and this footnote is ridiculously , stupidly funny.
THIS is what Jehovah God has spoken into the ears of The Anointed Ones at Bethel to write??? Does God not know he is speaking twisted and misleading sentences or did God say one thing to The All Great and Knowing Anointed Ones and they have written their own version of it and that is why there is always nu - lite going on??? lol
Maybe god should have picked some University educated people to be His spokesmen, but usually educated people find out man has been on the Earth longer than WT/JW.org's 6,039 years. lol (6,000 years at 1975 + 39 to present 2014, in WT's calculations). lol
I can only hope when innocent, naive Believers read that, they get up and leave and don't come back.