This study was called: “No one can slave for two masters . . .
You cannot slave for God and for Riches.”—MATT. 6:24.
In brackets beside Riches could also be Satan. Some of the answers at our hall just so far fetched, it got to a point that I was thinking that having any job was the same as slaving for riches. One answer I heard was that it is Satan that makes people plan financially for the future, no you should not plan for your retirement, and that you should only plan for today.
I also don't think the the above scripture has anything to do with the contents of the study. Its almost as if they wrote the study and then had to decide what scripture to use. Since when has going away from your family for work been called "Slaving for riches"? I can think of a number of both witness' and non witness' that go away for work, (including myself) and would never conclude that we are doing this because we are letting riches be our master.