Take a moment and look at it an entirely different way . . .

by Terry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • myelaine

    Really cofty...

    one person's justifying ludicrous superstitions is another person's expanding on incomplete ideas. I'm always perfectly willing to allow you your time to speak without giving negative comment, why don't you have the courtesy to do the same? I'm discussing ideas that are in the realm of possibility...the ideas themselves even fit within the framework of what a believer calls revealed truth.

    love michelle

  • bruh2012

    C'mon man--Jesus written life was just like the movies and tv show-no one goes to the bathroom on hollywood! I wonder all the time when and the world does Jack Bauer has time to go to the "can". I guess it's in-between commercials !!

    Whether being a "creation" or being "made" (see the greek words) is just a product of YHWH person. He could be that kind of person that's just not that emotional. Read all accounts that deals with his speaking. Even in Moses time before going into the read sea after assuring Moses and the people he says "why do you keep calling out to me"....One would think that he understands the panic mode of humans but maybe not. Maybe he is learning about the development of mans thinking aong the way-who knows!

    Think of the only person in the bible he calls "friend". Reading the account its not much emotion there. I believe Jesus in saying we should rfere to him as "father" is from the stand point trying to connect him as only our maker and provider without the hugs.

    He is so above anything we can imagine, Grand and Lofty with billions of humans and angels to deal with- can you really see time for any type of emotional relationship!

  • problemaddict

    I think most believers would contend that the description of father and son, is simply a way to condecend to human understanding (physical), because they cannot grasp what they do not know or are able to experience (spiritual).

    Not that i agree with that, but that would be the easiest way to explain it. If God "made" Jesus, then he is kinda his son....no mom needed. We get what it means, even if we don't understand how it happened (if you are inclined to believe it did).

    However, Terrys point is well taken. If Jesus the son of God or God in the flesh both 100% human and 100% God, was an infant, a toddler, a wide eyed little boy, a preteen, and angsty teenager going through puberty, on to adulthood when he "discovers" he was actually in heaven before the last 30 years......that begs some explanation. It just does. Why could he not have appeared human, without the awkward indignities of being human, as Adam did?

    This is a good question. The seeming answer is that this is a nother story in a long line of virgin God birth stories.

    In addition, the presence of male genetalia, including balls.....on Adam who was apparently originally created to be the only guy around, begs further question. Unless God planned on creating eve the whole time, at which point you may wonder why not create them in tandem? Why wait until the man was lonely?

    This is the tip of the iceberg, but its why I am leaning more and more to agnostic beliefs.


    The whole Genesis 'Adam & Eve' story is really something that doesn't make ANY sense. What about Neanderthals? How do they fit in? Science now says that Modern Humans and Neanderthals co-existed in Europe tens of thousands of years ago. How do Witnesses explain this? Most Witnesses, indeed most fundamentalist Christians, never think deeply enough to wonder about this.

  • prologos

    myelaine your description of time implies that there is movement, sequencing through time in the 'spirit' world [if there is such].

    how do you know that? from the folded paper/pencil point experiment? please explain.

    Einstein's spacetime concept gives a picture of space or its content STARTING to move through time at the beginning and

    there has been pooping ever since. we are made from star poop, or dust if you will.

    Although our brains exist from before birth, our memories do not go that far back. [my first are the Zeppelins flying overhead].

    Could my brain be jolted into remembering earlier events? without the WHITE lining of the grey matter?

    As Terry pointed out both Adam1 & 2 make for a very questionable, false STORY.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    " take a moment and look at it entierly differently...." Terry your posts aleays take more than a moment to read, but i am glad i am here to read them.

  • myelaine

    dear prologos...

    the bible indicates that there is movement in the spirit realm.

    Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail over the church. a gate can be opened. I think that in our day these gates have been opened by people eager to make contact with the spirits. I think that there are principalities over the earth like it says in Ephesians.

    When Jesus cast the demonic spirits into the pigs they said "don't make us leave this region I think that the negative sway of principalities can be observed. For instance until recently the principality over what is designated persia in the bible has been favorable to the jews and israel. Cyrus was called God's anointed and he did God's will in blessing the jews. The rulers after him in that region were reasonably benevolent to israel and the jews. the benevolence ended in 1979 the year the shah's throne was lost in iran and a different power took control.

    If you'll look at the book of daniel in 10:14 at what is called a vision of the latter days you read just previous to it is written that there is a war between the "prince" of persia and michael who is over or prince of israel and the jews. Historically there hasn't been great conflict between the region of persia and israel. Now there is...now when there is deep unease in the streets, even in america about the region of israel. The negitive thoughts and energy on the ground in regard to israel weren't there before. The conflict in the area wasn't there before and the bible says that in the end time during the greatest time of trouble for the jews...the principalities are at war. Those are reasons that I believe there is movement in the spirit(ual) realm...the visions of daniel are sequential but broken up by time intervals. The vision at the end of daniel 11..36-45 didn't happen historically but the principality in the spirit realm that holds sway over the region can be observed, so to speak.

    love michelle

  • cofty

    Have you got any prophecies for Middle Earth Michelle?

    I hear there is increasing unrest in The Shires.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    myelaine thank you for your comment and your point is valid.I myself see the whale, its hump its tail...i say " save the whale" . And ad for the rain forests i think we both agree they are shrinking every day? Anyway myelaine today i put a bandage on my little boys knee ( he scratched it playing football). I know he beliives in God and i think thats nice. But someday i hope he saves the whale or helps a person in need. And someday i hope he " takes a moment and looks at it in an entirely differnt way..." ....maybe i should also.? But for today we do agree...

  • prologos

    my oh my elaine, I thought you could come up with timely 'time the dimension' quotations from the greatest Jewish teacher [the one from the patent office in Bern] rather from 'my book od bible STORIES'.

    but thank you, I will keep searching, looking at it in an mostly different way.

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