I think most believers would contend that the description of father and son, is simply a way to condecend to human understanding (physical), because they cannot grasp what they do not know or are able to experience (spiritual).
Not that i agree with that, but that would be the easiest way to explain it. If God "made" Jesus, then he is kinda his son....no mom needed. We get what it means, even if we don't understand how it happened (if you are inclined to believe it did).
However, Terrys point is well taken. If Jesus the son of God or God in the flesh both 100% human and 100% God, was an infant, a toddler, a wide eyed little boy, a preteen, and angsty teenager going through puberty, on to adulthood when he "discovers" he was actually in heaven before the last 30 years......that begs some explanation. It just does. Why could he not have appeared human, without the awkward indignities of being human, as Adam did?
This is a good question. The seeming answer is that this is a nother story in a long line of virgin God birth stories.
In addition, the presence of male genetalia, including balls.....on Adam who was apparently originally created to be the only guy around, begs further question. Unless God planned on creating eve the whole time, at which point you may wonder why not create them in tandem? Why wait until the man was lonely?
This is the tip of the iceberg, but its why I am leaning more and more to agnostic beliefs.