June 1st Watchtower for the public

by Lynnie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lynnie

    One of my smart ass friends gave me the public copy of the Watchtower for June 1st, 2014 and the main article

    is about "God's view on smoking." Okay it goes on and on about how we need to keep our body "clean" and

    undefiled blah blah blah. Why doesn't this apply to alcohol too? Alcohol is harmful to the body or can be.

    There's this line in the article that says "Jehovah wants us to be free from practices that harm our body but also from

    those that corrupt our spirit, that is, our dominant mental inclination." The article goes blabs on but that sentence

    could be applied to the consumpton of alcohol too! Wonder how many would leave if they decided to

    ban alcohol? HA! I know there is no logic with the JW's but what the article says can apply to booze too. I guess they don't

    see that!

  • sir82

    JW argument is that (a) alcohol is a "food" in that it has calories, while tobacco is a "drug", and (b) Jesus turned water into wine so it wouldn't exactly be "Biblical" to ban alcohol.

  • prologos

    at least they could defer alcohol consumption to the Panda Paradise, make beer&wine part and parcel pf the NW promise because:

    alcohol consumption figured prominently in the post-execution events: Flood, The twin Cities. [Not ST.P & M MN].

  • Finkelstein

    Why doesn't this apply to alcohol too? Alcohol is harmful to the body or can be.

    Part of the innate hypocrisy contain in Christianity.

    Booze was approved by Christ himself so much so he turned rocks into jugs of wine for a wedding.

    What was on the table for the last supper Wine and what did Jesus use to make a symbolic spiritual convent ?


    I've known JWS to demean smoking tobacco and marijuana and have all kinds of hard liqueur stored up at home which they would use to a high level of intoxication.


    Booze is widely use by adult JWS for the reason its the OK and approved form of defiling ones flesh, thanks impart to their god of worship Jesus Christ.

  • clarity

    Oh yeah ..... JW's love their booze....just like Rutherford!

    50 yrs in this society and I have seen more alcoholics

    here than anywhere else! They use it to forget the pain!


  • clarity

    Lynnie ...just an aside thought you might find

    this expose on this June 2014 watchtower cover



  • Emery

    So is McDonalds and everything fried. They sure love being inconsistent.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Driving around in cars is dangerous and harmful to the environment. Car crashes are defiling to the body, and exhaust emissions are "ruining the earth." So, JWs should stop driving to the KH and in FS.

    Forcing your cult on other people can be dangerous because you could get punched in the face. And getting punched in the face would be defiling to the body. So, JWs should stop their recruiting tactics.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of smoking. But the opinions of a Bronze Age god in Palestine are pointless on the subject. For that matter, I think that many of the writers of the bible were doing some kind of drugs.

  • westiebilly11

    ...I suspect many biblical figures would have smoked if smoking option had been available in their time....tobacco wasn't an option was it back then..

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Oh, and to add... The fact that this religion so decisively condemns smoking but is tolerant of child molesters, well, that just shows how sick this crazy cult is.

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