June 1st Watchtower for the public

by Lynnie 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I don't think smoking cigarettes is good for you. In this day and age, EVERYONE knows it's bad, cigs are full of toxins. That being said, smoking is considered to be related to spiritism, not the " good kind " like Aaron's magic rocks, but the bad kind, like Yoga and actual meditation.

    If you believe the bible is Gods word, then you must avoid defilements of the flesh. Of course, the WTBTS is totally hypocritical. They say they won't go beyond the things written, but they do. So you can't smoke or chew cocaine leaves or have a beard, but you can molest a child some years ago and be re-appointed by the Holy Spirit.. Go figure.


  • problemaddict

    Smoking is bad. Its bad for you. Its bad for others. Its just bad.

    But I'll bet "vaporizing" isn't going to be looked at any better. How about nicotine suppliments (popular with body builders now), if taken orally?

    This is backward not because someone should be free to smoke (which they should be, around nobody else), but because they are enforcing a RELIGIOUS EDICT to not smoke. That is VERY different.

    I met a young woman (mid twenties), who was DF'd for being caught smoking with a drink in a bar. Her brother, who was never baptized, lives with a girlfriend and all that jazz. This persons mother speaks to the son and hangs out no problem, but the girl disfellowshipped for smoking.....shunned.

    Its insanity.

    Alcohol is at least metabolized and has health benefits, so I don't know if that is analgous. How about trans fat, high fructose corn syrup? That 300 pound group of people in the hall have more to answer for scripturally (gluttony), than a smoker does if we get down to brass tacks.

  • sparrowdown

    In the cong's I have been in, cola was frowned upon, but drinking double shot espressos all day- just fine.

    These people are mental. I stopped expecting sense from them a long time ago.

  • steve2

    Two things in life are worthy of worldwide bans: Smoking and the Watchtower Society.

    Expect an article soon from Phillip Morris highlighting the mortal dangers of the Watchtower Society.

  • passwordprotected

    Regarding this article, and the mindset behind it, 2 words; junk food. What's god's view on that?

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