Call them common origin stories. Babylonions are the source for violent gods and scary stories.
Something I need to clear up about the bible - It is not a BRONZE AGE BOOK!
by HowTheBibleWasCreated 50 Replies latest watchtower bible
Focus: Well actually my angle if you watch my posts is writing a book on the creation of the biblical text itself. Wht I post here are drafts... unedited for spelling or clarity.
Often, like right now, I will stop for awhile and do futher research. For instance now i'm dealing with if any of the Pslams date form the Omride dynesty. Several do it seems and this slows me down.
As for the WT .. she is digging her own grave. The Governing body are figureheads. The Writing commitie are the real controllers.
The Writing committee are the real controllers.
[X] You have understood.
[ .] You have not understood.
After all, they're the ones who put into typeset a new gospel (twice a month, at that!)
Also, look how the 2nd biggest scoundrel in WT history - and there's a high bar set there - the Machiavellian Fred Franz got to be President.
To stop any stray infirm goat from interpreting this as innuendo that FF bumped off Knorr ("Nathan who'd teach new young Bethel recruits how to aim their pen!ses in the toilet - "proper handling only!"), BOIING!, wrong again - this refers to Franz's own career progression.
And the testimony in the Olin Moyle trial, where the authorship of the toilet-paper and the blame for all errors is squarely placed with "Jehovah God." shows that the Writing Staff are right up there with Big J-man herself, lol.
("Olin Moyle W.F. Salter Hybridized Cunning-Linguist" Class)
It is not a BRONZE AGE BOOK!
Its the Bullshit Age Book !
Made by men to screw up the minds of men into continuum.
Band on the Run
This nastiness concerning the Bible is too much sometimes. If you understand religious history, the Bible is no burden. So many here act as though all Christians are fundamentalists. We are not. These stories are our cultural heritage. They are Jungian in a multitude of ways. One need not apply any Bible knowledge the way the WT does. Our lives would be poorer if we knew no Greek myths. No government compels us to worship or belief any matter of dogma or doctrine. The larger issue for me is how we approach authority.
The Bible was compiled in the iron age, but contains stories from Babylonian and Mesopotamian myths that are from before the iron age.
It just doesn't sound right to give the Bible that slightly modern sound of "iron age" when it is clearly a bass-ackwards gathering of books.
Shirley called it right on page one: It's a book whose stories begin in the Stone Age, progress into the Bronze Age, are written about in the Iron Age, all so it could be entirely debunked in the Information Age.
Bronze and Iron Age are definitions of the modern times. They were also not happened universally in the world at the same time. Iron Age in Urartu started much earlier due extensive ore deposits. Bronze age lasted in China much longer than in Middle East or Mediterranean. What OT cover from Genessis to the destruction of the Northern Israel happened during Bronze Age. OT was compiled in the Iron Age, but it is Bronze Age myth. On the other hand Midrash were compiled under influence of Persia and Greece.
OnTheWayOut - "Shirley called it right on page one: It's a book whose stories begin in the Stone Age, progress into the Bronze Age, are written about in the Iron Age, all so it could be entirely debunked in the Information Age."
I know, right?
I can totally see that printed on a novelty T-Shirt and sold on atheist websites.
Vidiot, will you be my marketing guy?
kaik: On the other hand Midrash were compiled under influence of Persia and Greece.
I had midrash once...ointment cleared it right up.
You gotta buy me dinner first.