Things That Make You Go 'Hmmmmm'

by Farkel 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    That would be sister to you, follower.

    To non: fuck off.

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$What's with the $ signs? Don't know how to do quotes? Oh, I see. Dollars are what the WTS is most concerned about.$$$

    Souls are what the wt is most concerned about. I figured the dollar signs would appeal to some pleonexic denizens on this forum.

    $$$The bottom line is, there is no spititual paradise. Even "good" 'hovahs are suspect.$$$

    Weren't you once a good jw? Or were you a bad one that could not be trusted? Did you ruin the spiritual paradise, brother? For shame!

  • Farkel

    : Can you prove that Bethelites are thieves? If not, hush up until you have evidence! The world is dangerous. We are not worried about our brothers. It is peeps like you that worry us.

    Red herring. It's not about me, you moron. It's about locks on Bethel doors. Why are they there, if not to prevent thievery? You think you are so clever, but I was a dumb-dub for decades and made the same specious arguments you are trying to make, and I thought I was clever, too. I was stupid, just as you are stupid. So WHY are there locks on the doors of the sanctum-sanctorium of the earthly Spiritual Paradise of Jehovah's Witnesses, dummy?

    :: Only a dense nut like you would ask a dumb question like that.

    $$$Only a coward like you wouldn't dare to challenge that question.$$$

    :There is nothing to challenge.

    Yes, there is, dummy. I said the WT literature is garbage, and I can prove it. I noticed you didn't step forward with any evidence that showed it WASN'T garbage.

    : Nothing on earth is more precious than the words of spirit and life contained in the Bible and the magazines of jws.

    What words would those be? Numbers chapter 31? Why don't you read that chapter and give us all a book report on the "words of spirit and life" it contains? We would all be most interested in your well-reasononed observations why slaughtering an entire culture but keeping the virgin little girls for Israelite sex-slaves is so freaking "precious."

    : Who would not want to steal such magazines?

    Sane people.

    : Even you really want them deep down inside. You just do not want to admit it.

    You are right, but I don't really want them for me. My parrot wants them for himself. We both get lots of laughs watching him poop all over them. Frankly, it's a tragic waste of perfectly good poop, if you ask me.


  • COMF

    Sometimes money is kept in the hall, dipwad.

    No, it isn't. It's taken home by the literature servant.

    Money is sometimes at the hall. Some brothers come in at midweek and obtain literature.

    How do they get that locked-up literature?

    They then place money in one of the boxes.

    Uh... dude... if they can get to the locked-up literature, then they can lock up the money. And if the key to the literature is there, then so is the literature servant. Servant present = take home money. Understand?

    Or a homeless worldly person like yourself may decide that he wants a free Bible or Bible literature to browse while he eats a cold ham and egg sandwich on the sidewalk.

    Okay. So what happened to, "You received free; give free"? Oh, wait... you don't receive free, do you. Never mind.

    Nothing on earth is more precious than the words of spirit and life contained in the Bible and the magazines of jws.

    Let's see, that would be the words of life such as, "Aluminum cookware is poison," "doctors are quacks," "vaccines are bad for you," "blood transfusions are bad for you"... ah yes, the godly wisdom just goes on and on.

    You know what Im talking about.

    Yes. We do. Unfortunately, you don't.


    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
    Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

  • larc

    Well, I don't know if the kangaroos got baptized, but I know on good authority that very many seals got baptized, and on many occasions, not just the animal seals, but the Navy seals as well.

  • bluesapphire


    Or a homeless worldly person like yourself
    Me thinks this "newby" isn't so new. What do you all think?

    Farkel's thread has been hijacked....yikes!


  • airwlk149

    i have been really down, but reading this post made me LAUGH MY ASS OFF!
    if that kangaroo got baptized, $100 says he get's disfellowshipped in a year!
    this is so fucking funny!

  • TR
    Weren't you once a good jw? Or were you a bad one that could not be trusted? Did you ruin the spiritual paradise, brother? For shame!

    Yes I was a good 'hovah, but I shit-canned the WTS after 11 years. I was good before and after the WTS enslavement, you 'roid.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Grunt

    "Can you prove that Bethelites are thieves? If not, hush up until you have evidence! The world is dangerous. We are not worried about our brothers. It is peeps like you that worry us."

    That is true, about most Bethelites not being thieves, I think. I would guess we probably have the highest percentage of Bethelites and ex-Bethelites on the net posting here and most seem very honest to me. Maybe it is their "vow of poverty" that keeps them honest. Maybe it is their lack of ambition or desire for a "worldly life." Maybe it is their sure knowledge (as all of their knowledge is sure until the next tack) that not having a Christ to act as go-between they have to depend on the Boys at Bethel and they are notoriously unforgiving. Maybe the rooms are locked for other reasons. I hope they keep them locked. With all the Jehovah's Witness pedophiles and murderers the fewer places they can get to the better. Take the magazines and leave the children alone. As for anyone really wanting the literature, I think they have placed about the right value on it and in this case you do actually get what you pay for. I do wish they made them in erasable ink so they could really be used for something worthwhile after they have served their role as props for the faithful. I guess with subscriptions being cancelled that will be less and less of a problem. Once they get down to the members only they could claim they are printed in invisible ink and only print the questions. There would be less for people that actually think about what they read to take objection to also. Might cut down on the enormous numbers who are voting with their feet.

    Glad you are here by the way, triple dip, keep your ears open while you are slinging insults, you could learn a lot. Like taking cow's blood is now ok, and what will be on your convention programs. You might even learn to show empathy and spark a synapse or two in the process that could lead you out of that dark cave you have chosen to live in.

    Nice talking to you,

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Red herring. It's not about me, you moron. It's about locks on Bethel doors. Why are they there, if not to prevent thievery? You think you are so clever, but I was a dumb-dub for decades and made the same specious arguments you are trying to make, and I thought I was clever, too. I was stupid, just as you are stupid. So WHY are there locks on the doors of the sanctum-sanctorium of the earthly Spiritual Paradise of Jehovah's Witnesses, dummy?$$$

    Its sanctum sanctorum, dipwad! And the locks are there to protect our brothers from either worldly individuals like yourself or false brothers like you used to be.

    :There is nothing to challenge.

    $$$Yes, there is, dummy. I said the WT literature is garbage, and I can prove it. I noticed you didn't step forward with any evidence that showed it WASN'T garbage.$$$

    The proof is in the pudding. The wt has produced so many good articles that one cannot recount them all. But you already know this.

    : Nothing on earth is more precious than the words of spirit and life contained in the Bible and the magazines of jws.

    $$$What words would those be? Numbers chapter 31? Why don't you read that chapter and give us all a book report on the "words of spirit and life" it contains? We would all be most interested in your well-reasononed observations why slaughtering an entire culture but keeping the virgin little girls for Israelite sex-slaves is so freaking "precious."$$$

    Are you reading the same Bible that I am? Where does Numbers 31 say that the Israelites kept the virgins as sex slaves?

    : Even you really want them deep down inside. You just do not want to admit it.

    $$$You are right, but I don't really want them for me. My parrot wants them for himself. We both get lots of laughs watching him poop all over them. Frankly, it's a tragic waste of perfectly good poop, if you ask me.$$$

    Laugh in front of your friends. You know you like to read the wt and ak magazines on the street. Freud talked about people like you.

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