The Trinity Is A False Doctrine!

by non_trias_theos 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DakotaRed

    For a good read, try, "The Doctrine of the Trinity, Christianity's Self Inflicted Wound," by Anthony Buzzard and Charles Hunting. Neither were ever JWs.

  • Bang

    Did anyone read this bit,

    "The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre.... Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby."

    Always made me wonder that.


  • Amazing

    Hi Butelbee: You asked,

    "Amazing, did you hear that from me? Because I posted that not too long ago."

    No, I didn't get it from you. During my trip to visit with Ray Franz in June 1992, Ray expressed this definition ... and that is the first time I recall hearing it. He said that he got the definition rom Ed Dunlap. Neither he nor Ed accept the Trinity, but in discussion that is one way he said some might try to explain it.

  • Will Power
    Will Power


    If the Trinity is a false doctrine, then why did the Watchtower have to lie in their Trinity brochure? Why couldn't they have come up with TRUE evidence to support their belief rather than having to fabricate it?

    When I first read this brochure I was amazed. Hmmmmmmmm. So I went to the library. I managed to find enough of the original quotes to see how deceptive this printing company was. I couldn't believe my eyes!
    The dishonesty destroyed the 1/2oz. of respect I might have retained had I not looked up these quotes. There is a website that has the quotes in their entirety and a little on the authors etc. It is very anti WT but the research is dead on. I'll find it & post if anyone interested.

    I think there are many things in this world that are beyond human logic and comprehension. When I hear a JW say that the trinity doctrine is not logical therefore cannot be true I just laugh. Same as vaccinations are of the devil - cause syphillis, cancer, made of cow pus, or whatever. Don't buy that garage sale item it could contain a demon. WWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO we are no part of this world. You got that right.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Here is the website:
    gives trinity booklet quotes on the left, actual quotes on the right and where you can find them so that you can check for yourself.

    As you should

  • Amazing

    Hi Willpower: Enjoyed your comments greatly ... cow pus and all. ... Your style of humor parallels that of Farkel ... I enjoy it when posters like yourself frame this JW stuff in humorous ways ... makes the point so much better - I envy that ability.

    The Trinity Brochure is among the most dishonest works of the Watchtower Society, and reflects their worst level of research. Actually, the brochure really does not directly cite comments of the early Church Fathers (see my post above on pg. 2) ... rather, the Society used Alvin Lampson's work, and quoted Lampson's anti-trinitarian comments as though these were things said by the early Church Fathers (first Disciples of the Apostles.) This is most dishonest. (Lampson himself was not honest in his work, so this tended to amplify the Watchtower's level of stupidity.)

    Robert Finnerty exposed this in his book that I note above ... yet, I find that the comments of the early Church Fathers, while not favoring the Society's view, are not as much Trinitarian as they are about Jesus being God. Notwithstanding, Finnerty did a great job in showing the dishonesty of the Watchtower. He even wrote to them and asked for their references they quote but do not cite from source references ... and the Society wrote back and admitted that Lampson's work was their primary source ... and sent along a copy of the pages from Lampson's book that they used for the Brochure. What a joke the Society has become. Even 8th graders could have done a better research job than the Watchtower writers.

    Your comments are right on. Thanks again for a great post.

  • Yerusalyim

    Non Trias Theos,

    Are you a scholar of the Greek language? If so, what are your credentials. If not, don't try to argue what the "greek" means.


    That you can read legitimate criticisms of the Trinity Pamphlet and still consider it a good pamphlet indicates that your Screen Name fits you.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Unclepenn1

    Hey Dakota Red, you made the comment that the Father is the ONLY true God. By definition then, Jesus is a false god. That's the way language works my friend. Think of any other circumstance where something is the only true _____ and all other things aren't false.

    Also, thefollower, if you say you have heard the arguments for the Trinity brochure and actually still believe it is a good publication, then you are lying and have not looked at the arguments at all. The people quoted in some places were actually supporting the trinity. It was ripped out of context and used as a refutation. They are lying to you.


  • the follower
    the follower

    I really don't intend getting into big arguements with you folks, but I have indeed read "Trinity Brochure Exposed" and suchlike criticisms of the brochure. I do not think that many of their criticisms are valid. I will say that there are maybe one or two quotes that perhaps should not have been used, but in general I think that it is a good publication. I don't think there are any blatant attempts to deceive as others claim.

    If you have one particular criticism of a particular quote that you think proves your point, then I would be interested in looking into it.

  • Yerusalyim


    Again, your Screen Name fits. If you can't see the direct MISQUOTES as being wrong in the Trinity Pamphlet they have a job for you in the Writing department.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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