Ahh, yeah the ol' 'you can go into a voting booth, but what you do in there is between you and god' thing. forgot about that one...in the US, voting definitely isn't a conscience issue, so I'd forgotten about that. Not sure if you'd get DF'd though, but it's probably not an issue as less than half non-JWs vote anyway, and most JWs seem to be of the demographic that wouldn't vote regardless.
If anything, I think they'll get stricter on the higher-ed stuff, but they probably won't do anything visible there. They'll continue with the WT articles and assembly talks demonizing it, and maybe issue a letter to the elders citing 'persuing higher education' as an indication that someone is not seeking first the kingdom, and therefore does not qualify to be a MS (maybe even disqualifing you from carrying the mics *gasp*). I doubt they'll ever DF over education (unless you're studying evolutionary biology or something) but I can't imagine that they'll losen up on it.
Regardless, the AGM is hardly the venue they'd use to lighten up on anything. When they relax a rule, they do it quietly so as not to seem like they're admitting that they 'went beyond the things written' and were too harsh before. Just like they did with education before, they demonized it for a while, then WT articles seemed to be a little softer on it for a few years and then they went back to demonizing it again, all without anything official.
They seem content to just ignore the blood issue, so I suspect they'll stick with that strategy for at least another 2 years or so before they make any official change.
My guess is if anything happens, it'll just be the announcement of more apathy trollies, maybe the testimony cards that were mentioned in another thread and possibly the further reduction/merging of the monthly magazines, with a name change. My guess is if they do that, they'll just drop the 'public' WT, and we'll be down to an awake magazine for the public, and WTs for people who are indoctrinated. That way they can drop the WT name and all that's associated with it on the public side, without appearing to the members as having dropped it.
When they went to a single awake, they said it was because they were doing more bible based articles (as opposed to current events type stuff as had been the case before) and there was too much overlap with the WT. They'll just say that the Awake's transition to being all about the bible has been so successful that they no longer need the public WT. Maybe they'll change the name, maybe not.
Other than that, I can't imagine anything that they'd want to share with such a wide audience at the AGM. Most of the changes that they've got in the pipeline are likely to be reactive (candice conti, crack-downs on charities, bethel layoffs) and difficult to spin in a positive way, so they won't want to make so much fuss about it that people actually think on it and realize they're spinning a negative thing.