Speculation Fall AGM
by Poztate 41 Replies latest jw friends
As long as your kingdom hall has installed its new AV system by August first, you will be able to tie into the annual meeting and the zone visit. As least in the United States.
They've been in a frenzy of made up shit for a good year now, all to distract from 1914-2014-JacK Shit hasn't happened.
You guys should pay less attention to WTS and main stream media (if you do not already) and look at alternative media because there is a lot going down now.
The UN is reaching into more areas (agenda 21), World government is being rapidly maneuvered, more and more the US constitution is being ignored, economic collapse is almost here. Things ARE accelerating.
Keep in mind the WTS will not go into these things because they are MAINLY dictated by their legal team.
In the end keeping on the watch is upto the individual.
Absalom Stated " As long as your kingdom hall has installed its new AV system by August first, you will be able to tie into the annual meeting and the zone visit. As least in the United States."
i have only heard about tying into the zone visit. I have heard nothing about the annual meeting yet. I might have missed that though.
@Ignoranceisbliss There has been no official announcement from the stage. All of my male relatives are elders, and one is very high up at bethel. They have all told me that the local congo's will be tied in if they have the A/V system up and running by Aug 1. I installed my hall's this past weekend and asked my COBE if we would be tied in. He told me the same thing as my family did. Why they don't announce that, I have no idea.
I think that is one of my biggest disappointments is they are so secretive! It is so frustrating
The UN is reaching into more areas (agenda 21), World government is being rapidly maneuvered, more and more the US constitution is being ignored, economic collapse is almost here. Things ARE accelerating.
Put away your tin foil cap and join the 21st century.
@ LostGereration
I thought this site was about being open-minded. By your comment it sounds like you have chosen the blue pill.
This site is about discussing the topic presented in the subject line.
If you want to start a topic on UN conspiracy nonsense, economic collapse, and other broken clock predictions, start a thread on it.
Then in 5,10, or 20 years all of us will have a permanent record we can look back and see how wrong you were.
Point taken