The Outing of Faders Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by zed is dead 178 Replies latest members private

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    With the recent spate of faders being outed, or threats of such behavior, I feel that we all need to be reminded of a fact in the ex-JW community: THERE IS NO GOOD REASON TO OUT A FADER, EVER!

    There are a lot of bad things that an ex-JW can do to another ex-JW, but I feel the most egregious thing that someone in our community can do is to out someone that is fading to their JW family. I have seen this happen on different boards, and have seen the ramifications of these callous actions. It infuriates me when someone commits one of these betrayals of trust.

    We recently had an older poster, Focus, threaten to out another poster in real life to those who knew him. I applaud Simon for nipping that in the bud and banning Focus from JWN. I hope he did not follow through with his threat. If he does, his name will be indelibly etched on my shitlist.

    And today I found out that Julia Barrick Douglas is up to her old tricks again. As a member of wAAWAh, she outed hundreds of people by force adding them to the group's Face Book page last year. This caused untold harm to many faders. One poster that went here by the name of Sic Semper Tyrannis, was disfellowshipped directly due to that, and was disinherited by his family. Now she did it again because of a dispute with another poster here. In my book, I would call her a douchebag, but that would be hitting her below her rotted ovaries.

    The betrayals that are absolutely unforgivable are the people that "out" someone for a personal agenda. I have known of people who threaten to out someone because of personal animosity, and have actually gone through with it to hurt that person badly. I know of situations where a romantic interest went awry, and the jilted person "outed" the other to try to get revenge. The people I know that did these things are forever on my shit list; and there are no ameliorative steps they can take to change the affects of their actions, or my opinion of them.

    There was a thread started by a long time poster a while ago that might have been the worst threat of outing that I have ever seen. He threatened to out his own son that just got reinstated. I hope he never did it. That poster committed suicide shortly thereafter.

    There was a post about the most recent case this morning which was removed. I just want to remind everyone that it is never justified to out anyone, EVER! I do have screenshots of some of it, as do others on this board. If anyone involved would like to comment on this thread, feel free.


  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Thank you for your support.

    Would the person being outed have a possible legal avenue to explore if they were to give their personal identity and information to AAWA because they were asked to do so as a volunteer? And if the person doing it was a representative of AAWA?

    Hypothetically speaking, let's say.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    It is interesting that you mention that. Simon actually warned about the security problems with them collecting personal information, and no controls over who gets it, and having crazy people in charge of it. I do not know where you are from, but if you are in the United States you would have a better chance legally to go for damages. Contact a local lawyer or solicitor.


  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    I retract nothing and I have zero regrets. For the record, *** AAWA and f*** Julia.

    All of this was worth it to expose her vindictiveness.

    She did exactly what I knew she was threatening and blackmailing me to do all along.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Thanks for posting this thread, Zed. This IS very important for exjw Faders to know that not everyone should be privvy to personal information.

    But also, those who are fading and associating with AAWA, who are supposedly wanting to help and assist those leaving Watchtower have caused damage. In this instance, once again, Julia Barr Douglas has outed someone she worked with without regard to the privileged information she had.

    Beware of AAWA because they continue to allow JBD to be at the forefront of their volunteers and she is a loose cannon.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Focus got the boot eh? I missed that, what thread did that happen in?

    This thread will be deleted in 3, 2, 1..... same reasons as the other one. I think it's safe to say simon doesnt want the waawah stuff shitting all over his board again.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead




    I just thought it is a good time to remind everyone, and warn about the other evil organization.


  • minimus

    That's why, I believe you have to feel trust toward the site owner. For example, I honestly believe that Simon, the owner of this site would NEVER out anyone!

    We may have differences of opinion but I do believe that he is trustworthy in this most important area. Kudos to SIMON AND OTHERS LIKE HIM and to all those that want to out innocent posters!!!

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Politically speaking, although my popularity is teeny tiny compared to some of the big players in the apostate game, I do believe I have a gift for the social media game and I may have a bit of a talent for making people sit up and pay attention.

    I said some very inflammatory things about AAWA and Julia on Facebook yesterday and today. Politically I shot myself in the head in the apostate world. I sacrificed my relationship with many good AAWA supporters. I gave up my FB account and my meme group and doing what I love to.

    I gave up my relationship with my JW family to expose this woman.

    That was my motive. Exposing someone who is extremely dangerous and has a long history of mental illness, abuse, blackmailing, drama and lies.

    AAWA did nothing about my concerns so f*** them too.

    Thats my gift to the Ex-JW community.

    I did it with love and I hope one day this pattern of abuse will be exposed to everyone. This is from the heart.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Yes, Minimus, I have to agree. I have pm'd and have received pm's with some info and have trusted that it was safe here.

    Beth, thank you for talking about it even in the vaguest way because there are many who have been hurt and don't have your strength and need to know what sort they may be dealing with.

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