The Outing of Faders Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by zed is dead 178 Replies latest members private

  • Mikado

    Venetian, as a watcher of this thread I am astounded that anyone could ever be so awful and just plain mean as to out another....I possibly wouldn't have behaved the same as Beth, but so????? fortunately we can all behave individually.

    I don't value the blame the vicitm mentality... she reapt what she sowed.

  • LisaRose

    Move along? Nothing to see? Pack mentality?

    I would say there is plenty to see here. It's not a "pack mentality" to see that what she did was wrong, wrong, wrong. I can't believe any ex JW would not see how horrible it is that someone has lost contact with loved family, over a petty squabble.

    I think the whole group should give up and dissolve, they have lost all credibility. How effective can they be when the Watchtower can just point out that they are a just a bunch of bitter ex JWs who can't behave in an adult fashion? They are now doing more harm than good.

  • venetian

    Mikado. I agree, we can all behave individually but what I see on here isn't individuality but a pack mentality with an agenda. It seems that beth shan, with the sidekicks she's gathered on her side have achieved her aim. Something she has readily admitted to on here.

    Now don't get me wrong here, I cannot condone the action of outing someone out of spite, that's mean. But neither do I see any merit in this glee when that person apologises and resigns either. The memes posted on Facebook about julia were just as mean. Two wrongs don't make a right.

  • fizzywiglet

    I've never met/spoken to Beth Shan before, that I know of. So there's that theory gone. :P And nope, what Julia did wasn't "mean". It was criminal. But you just keep right on with the apologism! At the very least, nobody can accuse you of being inconsistent. :D

  • Simon

    Beth Shan: Please do not abuse the opportunity you have had to air your grievance here by posting insults and accusations that are not relevant to the issue and potentially libelous. It makes you look petty and vindictive at best and we're not here to be your 'revenge site'.

    You've had a disagreement with a group that you chose to be part of and apparently were constantly posting insults to. Yes, how they responded was wrong but don't think you escape all culpability because you contributed to the situation and are chosing to continue things in the same retaliatory manner that you are complaining they behaved.

  • venetian

    I'm not an apologist fizzy, I don't condone julias action at all! But the way this situation is developing, it seems that beth shan had an opportunity to show herself the better person and behave magnanimously. She chose not to. That's a pity.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Simon for President.

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Simon my sincerest apologies. I welcome the opportunity to go to court with AAWA but it is wrong of me to use your site to try to get a legal threat going from them. Strange since in thr past they freely threaten legal action against many who disagree with them. Im still waiting. Thank you again for allowing me to speak on this matter. I will stop using your site to gloat about Julia.

  • jgnat

    Just a word about lawsuits. I worked for a First Nations group that has some legitimate grievances with our government. They were also ripped off by a builder. Following the "laws of the land", they correspondingly started legal action, on both fronts. It is many years later, there is still no (justly deserved) money in their pockets, and if this is all they had worked on in the intervening years, their community development would have stalled.

    Thankfully, they have visionary leadership and while these grievances festered, they also set up enterprising social programs and business opportunities. The community is much better off because of this initiative and enterprise.

    I guess the lesson I take away from all this that even a deep grievance, after the dust has settled, is best put aside for living. This sort of misery can bury you.

  • Violia

    While some in the xjw community are doing this ( outing each otther and fighting among ourselves ) you know the jws are just

    Rolling around the floor laughing their asses off. also they stilll think of "US " as an ORG but we arent.

    Of course they do it too but they have ways to silence those who talk.

    sorry no spell check

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