The Outing of Faders Rears Its Ugly Head Again

by zed is dead 178 Replies latest members private

  • Beth Shan
    Beth Shan

    Hey, at least I was honest. Petty yes. Honest yes.

    Thank you for your support Zed.

  • cofty

    Beth Shan - If I am not mistaken you already went through a JC and they decided to DF you but never announced it because you threatened legal action. Is that about right?

    All your family knew about these events didn't they?

    So in what way did JBD "out" you?

    Why are you now threatening legal action against others at AWA or whatever it's called - including Lady Lee whose professional career would be damaged by such an action?

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Yeah my guess is since Beth's parents know she deserved to be disfellowshipped and are cautious about being seen with her already but still have assosciation with her, they would probably not change a thing if she wore a two sided placard that said "Im an apostate"

    But I can see how she would want to avoid testing that theory and having the choice to disclose that information taken out of her own hands.

    Nobody would ever want JW mom and dad to see the naughty Memes made against their precious JW religion at your own hands. Specifically if you are still enjoying covert assosciation with them despite threats by the BOE. Could get a bit escalated and even trickier for mom and dad to keep up the charade too.

    JWs seem to be ok many times with coddling their Disfellowshipped children and flipping the bird to the Elders. Good for them. Wish more would. But when your kid may be the internet prodogy for Anti JW Memes on the WWW..... ew not good.

    Maybe there will be a bright side to this and Beths parents will see the idiocy of the WT and join her MEME group?

    I really hope Beth will move past this and not allow it to eat away at her. The threats of litigation may have worked on a bunch of guys in polyester suits. Thats just because they dont really give a crap.

    In this case, nobody in their right mind would spend a dime on lawyers. The only thing you will accomplish is wasting time and money.


    Let it go Beth-Shan. Awesome name BTW. Just tell us the part where you threaten the BOE, in detail. I have had a theory for some time that threatening the BOE AS individuals ( for slander or defamation of character) is the way to go.


  • cofty

    I have had a theory for some time that threatening the BOE AS individuals ( for slander or defamation of character) is the way to go.

    Me too. Would love to hear more.

  • fizzywiglet

    Welp, that took a term into victim-blaming really quickly. Look, I'm not saying I would have handled things the way Beth did, or that there wasn't pettiness and resentment brewing on both sides (the chain of events that led up to everything all sounds pretty vague), but the fact remains, what Julia did was illegal, and AAWA knew it was coming. She's done it before, to others, who were not Beth Shan and weren't embroiled in personal petty drama with her. It's become an M.O., and it should never have been allowed to get this far. Period. The end.

    Cofty, I've always respected you for being über-rational, but I think you're off-base with this particular comment above. For one, we all know that for many JWs, there's a big difference between knowing your kid has not been DF'd on a technicality, and being told that she runs or has joined an apostate group on Facebook. For another thing, according to Beth's sister's posts, this has had a ripple effect on other family members, including said sister. And finally, most important, Beth's status is irrelevant. She goes by a pseudonym online, always has, and only gave her personal information in confidence when recruited as a volunteer for AAWA. AAWA and its representatives still have no business posting the confidential data they collect from the volunteers they recruit...whether they leave AAWA, or criticize AAWA, or have a beef with AAWA. You don't post their name and address and their parents' name and address and say "Go harass them and their family!" You just don't do that. The end. What's so fucking hard to understand about that? Besty's real name was apparently somewhat common knowledge last year when JBD and AAWA went after him publicly, but who cares if it was? That doesn't mean a professional organization posts his name and photo on their page and then send an internet army after him, just because they lied and he ended up proving it. When JBD threatened that she could "out" me if she wanted, it was laughable because my identity has never been a secret, and I haven't been in contact with JW family/friends for years. So what? That doesn't make it any less insidious that that's their go-to M.O. What professional organization would do that?

  • Apognophos

    I think it's possible to find two people partially to blame for a situation. What's more, the blame doesn't have to be shared 50/50.

    Personally I don't understand why AAWA even collects personal information on volunteers since they 'don't have control over them' anyway.

  • cofty

    fizzy - I condemned what JBD did. Why are you ignoring that fact?

    If I had the most powerful magnifying glass in the world I could not locate my interest in AWA and I would not have anything to do with them or any other activist organisation. They appear to be shambolic, petty and unprofessional.

    What comment did I make that you think was "off-base"?

    I asked a few questions to try to better understand the situation.

    So far it appears BS was not actually "outed" and that she spent months insulting and provoking somebody who she knew to be unreliable.

    When she finally got the reaction she was hoping for she declared it to be worth it. Let's be clear, if this does harm her relationship with her family it is a consequence of something she spent months trying to make happen.

    I am not blaming the victim, I am wondering if there is a victim.

  • Simon

    This just sounds more like two stubborn and obsessive people running smack into each other online.

    I don't think we need it to continue any more.

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