thinking of leaving

by justme67 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, glad you have found out the truth about the truth (sometimes called TTATT). I was 45 when I left. Although I wasted 30 years in the organization I have been making up for lost time, I am happily married (to someone who was never a JW), and have so many great memories, I am enjoying life.

    It's hard to give direction on leaving, everyone is so different. If you don't have any close friends or family that will shun you, you have a lot of options. You can disassociate by letter, that will stop the elders from bugging you, but you will lose contact to any friends you have. You could do a fade, just gradually start doing less and less. That will probably result in a visit from the elders, you could just say you have issues with depression, that will give you time to transition. If you tell them you no longer accept the GB as being appointed by God you could be disfellowshipped.

    I would start making plans and start making non JW friends so that you will have a support system in place should you DA, or be disfellowshipped.

  • Mum

    You had a pre-JW life of 40 years, so you're one of the lucky ones. I also had a (much shorter) pre-JW life and had no other JW family members. It's easier for you than it was for me because I was married to a JW and had achild. I moved to another state on the other end of the country. I moved back to the town of the congregation I had attended for a short time, and I'm glad I did because they called me in for a JC meeting. I went begrudgingly. They were such asses that I could see clearly that they were full of themselves and arrogant bastards. They had nothing on me but tried to harass me into "confessing" to something so they could DF me.

    All you have to do is stop attending and change your e-mail address and phone number. You also might want to move to a new location. If you don't have a great job, you might want to launch a nationwide job search and go elsewhere so they can't be bothered to hunt you down.

    Don't let them get to you. They have no power over you other than what you give them. Don't give them ANY!

    Best wishes!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Figure out the quickest, safest, most effective way to leave. And get out of there with the quickness. Life is short and the clock is ticking... Be grateful you only spent 6 years blinded by the cult.

    Cut the chord and have a happy life going forward!

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome justme67, If the love-bombing is over at your KH and you have no other JW family or close friends, just leave. Especially before dating a JW.

    What was it that attracted you to the WTBTS?

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • smiddy


    If you have no family in just get out as fast as you can. You dont owe them anything , just leave.

    By the way WELCOME


  • a watcher
    a watcher

    justme, and your love for Jehovah in all this drama is...where?

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    JustMe.....really?? a background check??? This is an all time low. It's as if they think they are rock stars or celebrities. I suppose in the JW world that's exactly what they are. They've lost touch with the real world. They are probably paranoid about encountering too much reality....perhaps a disgruntled former Witness or some situation where they are viewed as the ordinary people they are.

    The funny thing is, they think nothing of sending children and little old ladies out from door to door or standing on steet corners like sitting ducks for god knows who, to come along and do whatever they please to them. Missionaries and Bethelites have to rely o Jehovah as they face all kinds of unsavory situations ranging from tropical diseases, primative living conditions and serving in dangerous lands or neighborhoods.

    That comment about kids in school being "refuse" is typical. They say they have a love of their fellow man but in reality they distrust them, look down on them and view them as a nusience they have to put up with until God finally gets around to killing them.

    Take your smart.....don't burn any bridges unecessarily.

  • TheListener

    Welcome Justme67. Glad you decided to post.

  • AlphaMan

    JustMe67.......I'm a former JW elder. It's a cult. Don't waste another minute of your life in a KH. Get out immediately and do something productive with your life.

  • exWTslave

    Welcome JustMe67. Just fade from them GRADUALLY, put the blame on busy secular commitments. They will do some shepherding calls on you--let them do it, and just listen and let them go. This will spare you of being shunned by them!

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