thinking of leaving

by justme67 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • daringhart13

    I too am a former long time elder. Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. Run......don't look back. You own them don't have to give stories or explanations......get out and enjoy life.

  • KateWild

    I know they wont speak to me after, but most hardly do anyway, away from the hall. I guess being a single brother and kind of new. -justme67

    Hi Just, welcome to the board. It refreshing to see TTATT, the truth about the truth. We wish you all the best for the future, but stick around here to get friendship and support.

    I am surprised a new single brother doesn't get more attention in the KH, normally they are a comodity. Sisters flock round them like bees around pollunating flowers, there must be a hand full of sisters your age that have been left on the shelf, I know in my hall there are a few, and in the circuit even more. But if you're making a move out you want to meet a girl out of WT too.

    Kate xx

  • happy@last

    Welcome here, it's good you've woken up to the reality in such a short time. Put the last 6 years down as an experience and just walk away. If it makes you feel better write a resignation letter, it's your choice. I feel a little jealous as I was robbed of much much more by them.


    My advice it to just STOP ATTENDING!! When you are asked about it, just reply with: 'I don't have anything to say'. Just keep repeating that line no matter what you are asked. Eventually they'll have to give up because you aren't giving them any ammunition to use against you. No need to change your phone number or address, no need to move to a different city or state. Just keep telling them: 'I don't have anything to say'. It works!!! They will soon go away.

  • cofty

    Welcome Justme

  • Daniel1555

    Hi and welcome

    As you don't have family in or really close friends probably the easiest way is to disassociate yourself (write a short letter of disassociation).

    Most of us who want to leave don't do that because we would loose family and friends. They try to fade which takes a long time and a lot of nerves. Some are stuck in for so many years.

    You just do whatever you feel in your situation. I think disassociation is the easiest and cleanest leave.

    All the best.


  • givemejustalittlemoretime

    I just let myself fade away gradually over aperiod ofa yearin fact it was so subtle no oneevercameotsee where i was heehe. Thankfully im now free of religon and worship Christ only

  • cantleave

    Sounds like you have nothing to lose by leaving the cult, and everything to gain.

  • DisArmed


    Just walk!


  • OnTheWayOut

    Single brother with no family in- just leave. You can resign right away so they can leave you alone. No matter how you say it, you will lose all your JW friends, so just leave right away and get new friends.

    I remember that it was the simple straightforward internet search that finally opened my eyes to the truth about "the truth."

    Good luck and congratulations on finding a real truth.

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