If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!

by Island Man 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparky1

    Move over Caleb! You have new competition on JW.ORG. Just think boys and girls,Sammy the Scientist will help you to be home schooled to the glory of JEHOVAH. Now you won't waste your time learning about DNA, Tectonic Plates, Dinosaurs, Black holes or anything else that falsely educated scientists under Satans control try to pass off as 'science'. At your fingertips will be REAL science directly produced under the power of JEHOVAHS HOLY SPIRIT as interpreted by his mouthpiece on earth the 'FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE' and presented to you by GOVERNING BODY member Samuel Herd who is affectionatly known as 'Uncle Sammy the Scientist' (Not to be confused with our other video series where he plays 'Uncle Tommy the Cabin Builder') Parents, imagine how your hearts will well up with pride when you hear your youngsters exclaim at the supper table: "Mommy and Daddy we learned so much today. In fact we learned about the superiority of MEN over WOMEN because of mens bigger brains. WHY WE JUST LOVE THIS NEW IDEA BECAUSE IT DIGNIFIES MOMMYS ROLE IN JEHOVAHS ARRANGEMENT!

  • SuperBoy

    It will be dismissed as it was 1971.

  • rjharris

    When I was a JW, I met and at lunch with Sam Herd and his wife. Let me assure you that this man is not stupid. He is intelligent. It is the intelligent ones who are best suited to say "foolish" things like this. They KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SAYING. It is all a part of the program (programming).

    He is is fully aware that his statements will offend a great many women.

    Sam Herd is also speaking from a prepared outline. He has given this talk many times before.

    Myself - an African Americn like Sam Herd - would be offended if someone within the organization says that "Black people or people of color should know their place."

    This is really what the WT organization subtly teaches and it is no different from this talk about women. Women or "people of color" stepping outside the high walls of WT teaching will be called disobedient.

    If a woman within the organization takes exception to what Sam Herd said and voiced that exception, she will be called disobedient and a trouble maker. Sam Herd was basically telling all women to "know your place."

    If I question why the GB leadership has been traditionally an all White mans club and why portrayals of Adam, Eve, Noah, Moses, Angels, Jesus, etc are portrayed as White people in the publications, I am viewed as a trouble maker and one who is disobedient.

    Sam Herd speaks - and many of the GB members - speak from the periphery of one who lives in the United States. I doubt very much that little African girls would be thinking along the lines of "wanting to play house." I now live in Africa and I can assure you that Africans are not reared nor do they think like persons of European descent UNLESS they have been "infected" and "indoctrinated to so.

    Sam Herd is what I call a "Black Anglo Saxon." He is a man of African descent who has rejected his African ancestry and who sought to be accepted in to the "White Power" structure. In this case a high position with a religious organization. The other members of the GB speak as White men. Samuel Herd speaks as a White man.

    None of the members of that historically predominately white body know what it is like to be a Black, Asian, Hispanic, Arab, a woman, etc.

    Sam Herd is a "token" and fills this role to keep the "natives" within the organization under control and controllable.

    Sam Herd may have forgotten the WT organization has segregated congregations in the South. Blacks sat on one side of the King Hall. Any person today "acting Black" (whatever that is) is quickly identified made to "act and think" as the WT organization wants it to. How is that? As the GB does.

    The GB are not idiots. It is a mistake to label them as such. To label them as idiots denotes that one has let "emotion" get the mastery over them. The Devil "burns" with intelligence and he fully knows what he is doing.

    So does his agents.

  • Hairtrigger

    rjH. Excellently thought out. And matchingly written. I have a story to tell on the segregation too. I just want to get the details right from the sister who experienced it first hand, before I post it.

  • blondie

    I never would have sat through this...and I know a few sisters who would have spent their time in the women's room with the sound turned off.

    This guy cherry picked his science and made applications that real scientists have not made. Why does he need pseudo human science to back up what he says the bible says...no science like this in Jesus' day who selected women to rule as future kings and priests in heaven and taught individually like Mary and Martha. It was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary that Jesus appeared to first, none of the so-called future GB members.

    *** w03 11/1 p. 13 par. 3 Faithful Christian Women—Precious Worshipers of God ***

    Some spirit-anointed women were granted miraculous gifts, such as the gift of prophesying. (Acts 21:8, 9)

    *** w12 9/1 p. 10 Respect and Dignity Under God’s Care ***

    Jesus trusted women. In the Jewish courts, the testimony of a woman was considered equal only to that of a slave. Josephus, a first-century historian, advised: “From women let no evidence be accepted, because of the levity and temerity of their sex.”

    In sharp contrast, Jesus chose to have women bear witness to his resurrection. (Matthew 28:1, 8-10) Though these faithful women had been eyewitnesses of the execution and burial of their Lord, to the apostles, the women’s words were hard to believe. (Matthew 27:55, 56, 61; Luke 24:10, 11) However, by appearing first to women, the resurrected Christ regarded them as worthy of bearing witness as his other disciples were.—Acts 1:8, 14.

  • sparky1

    blondie, the difference between JESUS and the GOVERNING BODY members is that JESUS truly loved and respected women.

  • LogCon

    rjharris said, "...The GB are not idiots. It is a mistake to label them as such."

    I cannot imagine some of the drivel that comes out of Tony Morris's mouth originating from an intelligent person giving a prepared speech.

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