If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!

by Island Man 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Samuel the 'Turd' Herd is a disgrace to the minuscule JW race!

  • ruderedhead

    Couldn't finish listening to it. Got a headache and threw up 2 minutes in. is this for real?

  • Apognophos

    This is indeed for real. I'm impressed that someone dredged up a recording from 1971. I can't verify personally that it's Herd's voice, but some of the people here have known him as a DO, etc. over the years, so I defer to their experience.

    Wait until Villagegirl hears this...

    I'm a bit concerned that her head is going to explode.

  • neverendingjourney

    I don't know how high up in the religion he was back in '71, but he may have suffered from a condition I began to notice as I was waking up. Men in positions of authority, usually the CO level or higher, were given great deference by the rank and file such that if a CO said this or that it was taken as truth with no need for independent verification.

    The CO assigned to our congregation when I stopped going to meetings would occasionally quote bogus stats or incorrectly say that science had proven something or another. I was incredulous yet I would look around and all I'd see where nodding heads.

    The fact that Herd says "scientists have proven" that women have smaller brains suggest he had fallen into that mold. Since the rank and file doesn’t ask questions he lazily resorted to making shit up. I hope he got wiser as the years passed but I wouldn't count on it.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I am trying to turn my mind back to 1971 and wonder what I would have thought, if I was sitting in his audience.

    I was for a woman keeping her own name after marriage.

    I was for a woman getting a degree in a subject of her choice.

    I was for a woman having a job that fulfilled her, paid well and gave her the opportunities she desired, needed and wanted.

    That above was my natural self. ^^^^^

    As a born in, I would have sat there struggling, thinking, but I have a brain and I want more out of life but...

    I am told, constantly that I must rely on jehovah and his organization. They know what is best for me. The days are wicked... Worldly people are wicked... Education is wicked. The sky is falling. The sky is falling. Armageddon is sooo close. LOL

    I was an idiot to believe anything those uneducated con men told me.


  • Apognophos

    It is certainly possible that his views have evolved since then. Most of us would not want to be quoted on something we thought 40 years ago (if we existed then!). That being said, he feels his views are Bible-based, so he is unlikely to have seen a need to change them.

    Personally I'm happy that women have smaller brains, since otherwise they would look like bobble-head dolls The problem is his implication that this lesser brain size is a handicap for women, which is not scientifically supported.

  • Calebs Airplane
  • sparky1


    Watch this..........Aunt Esther responds to Samuel Herds talk!!!

  • suavojr

    This talk is a gem! You now see why they don't want people recording talks and posting it online. If I get my wife to hear this she would just flip out. I will let yoy guys know how it goes...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Nat Turner proves that African-Americans make the best slaves. Nat Turner. It is sad b/c he is the only slave insurrection leader I can recall.

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