Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?

by Julia Orwell 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    When I left the borg I felt my life will be hell. I moved

    back to California, no job..No Jehovah, I'm on my own.

    The first job interveiw, a great job I really wanted that job.

    Didn't get it, no more blessing for me.

    To make long story short, a week later I found a job, more money,

    great working condition..Looking back, I'm retired now. I don't know

    how I could have been more blessed. And as for retirement,(at 55) it

    couldn't be better. Just think, all without Jehovah.. My fellow JW's

    are still working, I'm 67 yers old....

  • Mum

    Thomas Edison was told that he was too stupid to learn anything.

    Elvis Presley was told that he would never make it show business. So was Lucille Ball.

    Abe Lincoln ran for office 26 times before being elected.

    Einstein didn't talk until he was 4 or read until he was 7. He was considered lazy by his professors. He couldn't do math in elementary school.

    I could go on and on and on. Failure is simply a part of life. If anyone has never experienced it, he or she has missed out on some important experience. Someone put a post on Facebook recently that said something like, "If we were all judged on how well we climb a tree, every fish would feel like a failure.

    We all face the challenge of finding what we do best. Then we face the challenge of findng work in that field.

    Don't take any of this persoinally. It means nothing beyond just what it is. Almost everyone has had a similar experience, whether or not they've ever been associated with JW's.

    Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again!

  • Phaedra

    Well, today I lost that cool job I got back in May and wrote about it.


    Aww, that job sounded like a lot of fun, too. Did you say it was at an amusement park?

    One of my dream jobs is to be a dress-up character at Disney World. I'd love to be the source of many smiles.

    You said:

    and can't work on a theme park ride because I made a mistake

    Did something happen while you were operating a ride? A safety thing? Or something more mundane?


  • quellycatface

    Dear Julia

    You are a good person and precious.

    Bad things happen to everyone.

    The jw's are not immune, no matter what they say. I am so sad that they have this hold on you. Keep posting, keep positive. I seriously used to think this way myself.

    You sound a great person, even a job as a health care worker could bring a lot of joy to you and your patients. You can do so much with people.

    The world is your oyster.

  • Heaven

    No you are not being punished. And you know it.

    So stop crapping on yourself and put a plan together to get a better job than the one you just got sacked from.

    Oh... and if you get sacked in the future, carry a tube of glitter with you and 'decorate' as you leave. This stuff lasts for months!

  • Mikado

    don't take the escorting off the premises as a personal slight, it's standard operating procedure for moat business now... that bit is at least not a personal slight, just awful for you.... hugs from sorry...

  • Bebopin

    Julia ,I went through something similar when I first left the cult. It got a lot better and now I definitely know I'm doing better because I completely left the cult.

    Never, Never, Never give up - Winston Chuchill

  • TD
    Isn't it just absurd? I mean, I know it's not Jehovah or anyone else...

    I'm truly sorry, Julia and hope things straighten out for you soon.

    Let's assume just for the sake of disussion that you were rolling in money. Wouldn't the cult mind rear its head and guilt you into thinking that Satan was giving you a very temporary reward that you would soon pay for with your everlasting life?

    --See how you're damned if you do and damned if you don't in cults?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Perhaps you will be the heroine of the story where someone has transient thoughts of WT teaching but goes on and conquers the world. Your post helped mea lot. If anything is not perfect in my life, I conclude that the Witnesses are at work. If I had no education, I would do well. Although I do not believe it rationally, I was exposed to Witness think since I was born. In fact, when my facial pain was so bad that doctors told my mom I would kill myself to get relief, I used to get impulses to sneak out of my apartment, take a subway at 3 am and apppear at Bethel. I would renounce everything dear to meand Bethel would remove the pain. My mom cried all over the place. I thought how silly I would feel when there was no difference in my pain. One can know something does not make sense and still feel it. Part of me was scared of what I would do at Bethel.

    Everyone who has success also had moments of failure. You don't have to land every job just the one you like. I know when I typed that I would type and think of everything morbid under the sun.

    In practical terms, I highly recommend What Color Is Your Parachute? I was not taught a single thing about looking for jobs after college. There was a mass meeting at the college. A former student blamed it on the college. 95% of the students stood up and applauded. It helps if you view yourself as at least equal to the human resources person. We come from a religion that knows no praise. No matter what you do, they will demand more. A tad amount of arrogance is a good thing.

  • Crazyguy

    Bad things happen and so do good, I think thats why some of the gods of ancient religions got there start. Gods of good and evil, so people have felt this way for generations.

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