The Alchemist:
Thank You Tallyman.
You are certainly most Welcome, Alchemist.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
It is true that we lived for the 'Great Terrorist's Promise.'
Yes. We did. And some (jWs) who still look to "The Great Terrorist" to keep his promise and destroy the World for them, so they can loot and pillage and live in the rich Worldly's Homes they already have picked out and romp around in the Watchtowerparadise(tm) - a.k.a. "The Garden of jehovah"... but have yet to have that promise kept by "The Great Terrorist"... some of them, the jehovah Witnesses are getting very, very impatient... and we believe this makes them dangerous.
Remember the proverb in their Kult Bible, the New World Translation?-
"Expectation postponed, is making the heart sick."
Well, sad to say, but we think that a LOT of those disappointed jehovah Witnesses who have been expecting and waiting and waiting for decades to have the World MURDERED, so that they can get their Goodies, and the last time that was supposed to have happened - they REALLY could almost TASTE IT - all that yummy fruit they'd be eating in WTParadise(tm), was in 1975...
and that's been 27 FREEKIN' YEARS AGO - WHAD A POSTPONEMENT!!!...
and since this is the case, we think that many of those jehovah Witnesses ARE SICK in the Heart and in the Mind,
and this makes them very Unstable and Extremely Dangerous...
and if jehovah-Of-The-Watchtower won't give them their Damned Paradise RIGHT NOW! DAMMIT, because he promised - thru his Fateful Slave, the Guv Body, that Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! some of them are saying and thinking in their SickSickSick Heads and Hearts,
that some of them might be willing to uhhh, 'force the action', DAMMIT!@#!@*
and create their OWN LITTLE ARMAGEDDON - if you know what I mean -
and at LEAST send their children on to WatchtowerParadise(tm).
Here is an Example of that sickness:
Your web site is a reminder of the sickness of the indoctrinated jW mind and those who are most responsible, the people who live at the end of the Brooklyn Bridge.
Right. In my website, I am trying to do a Public Service,
to warn people AWAY from the Dangerous and Destructive WTKult
and to expose the INSIDE of that sick and indoctrinated jW mind.
Those pictures of Armageddon always bothered me - especially as a child. I had nightmares about that!!
Dawn, pleased to "meet" you.
Do you think that making little children look and study those pictures
is a form of Child Abuse?
I do.
I know the 'silentlambs' issue is getting most of the attention now,
and it should, because molestation and the cover-up of pedophilia,
is MUCH more horrible that this form of child abuse to which I refer,
nevertheless, it IS and HAS taken its toll on many jehovah Witnesses.
And I couldn't figure out why those people left behind would be smiling - wouldn't they be sad about the loss of life? I still feel that way today - I would be sad that anyone had to die.
But, would you believe, Dawn, that some supposedly Ex-Dubs here,
(like the joel guy who posts in this thread) refuse to believe that
the jehovah's Witnesses would take delight in the death of Worldlies?
Even though the EVIDENCE is staring him in the face.
You will find that some on this forum are DEEP in Denial
as to just how EVIL the Watchtowerkult really is.
Some of them have relatives in still in the Watchtower,
and they just can't bring themselves to associate that WTEvil
with their loved ones... and that is tragic that their family members
are still trapped in the Watchtower, but it does not negate the
and besides, most of those jW family members are 'rank and file',
and have been suckered like we all were, and can't be held responsible
for much of the EVIL that the Watchtowerkult commits,
even though there is that "principle of Community Responsibility"
that the WT used to preach about a lot in past years...
but not so much or not at all in recent times.
Wonder why?
LOve, Tallyman