Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)

by out4good3 229 Replies latest social current

  • sammielee24

    Not just jumped on by the race baiting professionals - Obama and Holder are as much to blame for creating more to divide people than before. Did Obama call up the family of the 20 yr old unarmed white kid shot by a black cop outside a convenience in Utah? Of course not. It didn't matter - nobody can cash in on a white kid killed by a black cop. Do they call up the parents of the 2 year old sitting on her porch and gunned down in a drive by and offer up dollars and help? Of course not. Nobody can cash in on a black kid shot and killed by black thugs. It's only good politics if you can cash in on opportunity, one that you can push and spin and manipulate so that you can bring in the votes and keep the money flowing.

    Bill Whittle - Ferguson. It's on youtube. I might not agree with his politics but sometimes he does do a good job of dissecting an issue in a quick way.

  • designs

    Whittle shows cynicism and a few historical holes.

    The amount of young black men incarcerated in this country for crimes that someone with a high priced lawyer or substantial means of support would get probation and fines is a little off the chart.

    People in California remember when Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford Act when Black Panthers did their 2nd Amendment Right's thing and 'Opened Carry'.

    'If You're Brown Don't Be Out After Sundown' was the Law in thousands of cities in the US.

    Police have become Miltarized and function like a Army in many cities in the US. Some of it is warranted because criminals have weapons that an old fashioned revolver wouldn't match, but the way citizens are treated really needs to be addressed in our State Legislatures and by Holder and Company on the Federal level.

    Good for Eric Holder in going to Ferguson Mo..

  • LisaRose

    The media coverage is shameful

    The rioting and looting is shameful.

    Let the judicial process determine if the shooting was justified, then peacefully protest if you don't agree.

    What people should be protesting is the large number of gang related shootings where the police have no leads and no suspects. It's business as usual for the cops and the community, it happens so often it's hardly considered new anymore, it's like everyone has given up.

  • tootired2care

    Yes Eric Withholder stands with the thugs of Ferguson who demand immediate mob justice. Great job mr head of the DOJ! Stuff like this leads me to conclude that multiculturalism in the USA is destined for failure.

  • designs

    tootired- What the Hell are you smoking.....

  • tootired2care

    tootired- What the Hell are you smoking.....

    That would be the ashes left in the wake of the idiot Obama/Holder regime.

  • designs

    Really and the film clip showing Eric Holder commending those committing arson or rioting is______________

  • tootired2care

    The Washington Post reported that Holder offered his unflinching support for the people of Ferguson Mo. just one day after traveling there and pledging that he would be conducting a “thorough and fair” investigation of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer. Holder did not provide reassurance to officer Darren Wilson. Moreover, the Attorney General did not discuss that the American system of justice is founded on the principle that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty.

    It's so confusing, why does Eric Holder need to stand with the people of Ferguson, who is their enemy? who are they standing against? Justice, White policemen?

    Yes, once again the Obama admin has inserted iteself into another local situation and has royally embarassed itself, and proven that their priority is trying to find racism where none exists, to score votes in November. Ironically, they never seem to be concerned about all of the black youths being gunned down in Chicago. Now, why do you suppose that is?

  • designs

    The head of the Federal Justice Department making sure that this case is properly administered is somehow wrong in your view. Nowhere has Eric Holder sided with the arsons and rioters.

    Oh you wanted Eric Holder to say something on behalf of Officer Warren. That may come as the case develops. Right now Officer Warren needs to comnplete his report.

  • tootired2care

    Nowhere has Eric Holder sided with the arsons and rioters.

    Bollocks, It's implied.

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