And why do you think a black kid shoots a black kid.
Ferguson Shooting (Is my thinking on this all wrong.......)
by out4good3 229 Replies latest social current
And why do you think a black kid shoots a black kid.
I have a better idea, why don't you enlighten all of us ignorant racists with your superior liberal wisdom.
"non violent protesting has never accomplished a damn thing" - Ever hear of Ghandi?
@TheSilence Thanks for the insights - it's not too surprising that the reality differs from the media portrayal and politics.
"non violent protesting has never accomplished a damn thing" - Ever hear of Ghandi?
Or Martin Luther King ?!
I doubt the laws would have been changed by rioting and violence but non-violent resistence DID accomplish much.
It's a pity that it's since largely been squandered due to poor leadership and cynical manipulation.
Designs: And why do you think a black kid shoots a black kid.
tootired2care: I have a better idea, why don't you enlighten all of us ignorant racists with your superior liberal wisdom.
LOL.....I've actually been eagerly waiting Designs liberal wisdom insights into the minds of black thug gang banger shooters.
AM- and I've been waiting for tootoo to answer a question for an issue he raised.....
Ironically, Ferguson in the 1960s was a white community. I drove through there recently while working. What the media shows is the burned out convenience stire (QT) and other businesses. What they dont show is the nice, quet, neat bungalows where white and black get along fine. My friend Jackie is right in her assessment.
I just hope when the grand jury returns with their decision not to indict Officer Wilson, the few bad apples dont overpower the majority goid ones.
A lesson learned from those in the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) was that when violence was introduced into the methods of protest it turns out it was the FBI who had planted those people in the movement....
tootired2care: How many black youths are gunned down in the inner cities by other blacks?
Designs: And why do you think a black kid shoots a black kid.
Desgins: and I've been waiting for tootoo to answer a question for an issue he raised.....
Actually Tootoo as you call him merely asked a question, rather than raised an issue. You chime in and answer a question with a question. Then Tootoo asks that you enlighten us as to what you mean.
It is interesting that as many black kids are gunned down by each other that there is very little brought up about this issue. But, you have a big black thug attack a cop, then get shot and killed, and immediately everyone wants to cry racism, with all this national attention with rioting & protests.
The Police Officer's report along with several eye witnesses and the forensic evidence backs up the Officers account of ordering Michael Brown to get out of the middle of the road and onto the sidewalk, then getting attacked & punched by 300 pound Brown, with Brown then getting shot in the hand during a struggle over the Officer's gun. Brown then charged the Officer and was shot to death.
This Officer had no history of anything related to being racist. Rather than looking for trouble the Officer had answered a previous call in the area about a sick child, then had to deal with this animal that attacked him. Oh, and let's not forget that the Officer was then alerted by radio that that Brown and his buddy fit the discription of 2 men who had just strong armed a store clerk. (which was caught on video)
Who was violent? Who was looking for trouble? It was Michael Brown. All this "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" rioting & protesting is a farce and a lie. Who are the real racists? It's everyone just looking for something to scream racism over. It's everyone participating, believing & supporting this made up racism bullshit.