Husband is df'd for a no show. Five hours later around midnight that same evening, the elders called to say they had a five hour meeting and decided to df him. They had nothing on him. I was publically reproved for what I wrote earlier on. I called the co for they had us both df'd at the end of the lane yet I wasn't there. The co said he would call them and reschedule another day and time for my jc. After my jc was over, I called the co and asked to appeal their decision. The one elder on my jc had to get back to me to see if I could appeal it and said if I tried then I would be df'd for it. I called the co and he said you can't appeal a public reproof so I asked him to df me. He said he wasn't going to get involved and that he was leaving it up to the elder since they know best. Then when I told him I had taped my jc, he said hey wait a minute, if you give me that tape, maybe I can help you if they did something wrong. I didn't do it for in one breath he couldn't help me and yet in another breath he could.
I do need help though. I wrote out my jc word for word yet my husband said Simone doesn't need pages and pages of it on his site. Quite a few of you have stated that you would rather read it since tape recordings can get muffled out. So what can I do for I want it out there but need help