Im surprised, 'a watcher' has been coming here for over a year and actively participating, yet a still firm believer in the GB and the WT.
Give me a reason not to go back
by chukky 594 77 Replies latest jw friends
a watcher
EoM, I have always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I did so when I was raised in the world and I do so now as a JW.
I hope slimboyfat is doing well.
It's kind of like magic spells. If you believe they work, then they will but if you do not believe in spells they will not work. So, stop believing that the jws have power over your life. Bad things will happen to you if you're in the organisation or not. Being in the jws just distract you and give you false hope. That is why it seems that life was so much better inside the religion, because you were kept distracted by the carrot dangling in front of your face.
You shouldn't go back, because religion will never make you or your life better. It is you and you alone that will do all of the work to create a happy and successful life for yourself.
You should not go back because the congregation does not have a genuine interest in you, it is a waste of time reading pages of literature. You could take a yoga class or study something that will actually help you. You will lose a lot of money spending on keeping up appearances, fueling the car, donating to the organization. They view you as weak for leaving in the first place.
If you decide to go back, remember to take an extra paper towel or two with you when you go to the bathroom.
Rub a Dub
My life was a mess while I was in and I was a servant.
After I got out things didn't get much better for lmost a year.
Then, one night while I was reading a bible (Not the NWT) I opened it up to Romans chapter 8 and read it.
That is when Jesus rescued me from my sins.
My sins had kept me alientated from Him because I had been taught almost all my life that it was wrong to pray to Jesus.
After I prayed to Him something immediately happened that is indescribable.
Since then I have enjoyed personal contact with Jesus and He is there for me 24/7 365.
The problem people have is being humble enough to tell Jesus that they are sinners and can't fix that no matter how hard they try.
Another problem is that most people believe they have to be part of the herd and all that does is give them somewhat of a social life but it still doesn't fix their sin problem.
You say your life is a mess.
It will stay a mess even if you go back to the kingdom hall because you will be trying to please God by adhering to a huge list of rules and regulations which no one can live up to.
If you can't resist the temptation go back to the kingdom hall but let God's grace wash over you through a relationship with Jesus and you will know peace like you've never known before.
If you do return you will confirm that there is no where else to go except back to a man made religion.
Dismissing servant
Do you really believe it's the Truth?? Because if you really know TTATT it is almost unbearable to be inside just to get structure to life.
If you like spirituality/Christianity, go to a liberal church, like Unitarians...or something like that.
Otherwise you get structure in life if you join the Marines! :-)
Amen to what Honesty said.
Interesting responses. They really do run the gammut.
I have seen many people who have left, for one reason or the other, and really do fall apart. Without feeling like their actions are being judged, and having their personality and vices reigned in, they flail. In that case, they certainly are better off as a JW than not. Simply put, they aren't very good people, when not under the fear of displeasure of God.
To me that is very sad.
My life is in many ways harder, not because of lack of "spiritual compass" whatever that means, but because my support structure is gone. I have to start from scratch just shy of middle age. Why do I have to do that? Because I think differently about the religion of my youth?
The only reason to think that your life problems, and attendance at meetings are somehow quasi related, requires a great deal of explanation does it not?
Why did you leave? Was it doctrinal? 10 years......let me tell you its alot crazier. Was it because of guilt or "sin"? Usually people that consider going back feel guilt or sin, and have never really researched the organization.
Why not give it a solid researching, critical, and pro.....and then make a grown up decision as to what you know, don't know, and don't care about.
I'm thinking you think your life is a mess because your whole life and contacts revolved around the watchtower and because of that strong connection it seems to you you are really missing something. But the thing is, many JWs have messy lives. A messy life is independent of religious organization. But, if you really think you want to go back its your choice. But for me, learning about the real truth has given a sense of inner peace through Jesus. I hope you find that, any choice you make. In the end it's your personal conscience that should guide you whether to go back or not, weighing all the costs and benefits to YOU.