You need to differentiate between being an approved JW and living a decent, happy life – and to realize that the two do not necessary have to go together.
JWs are taught to believe that any financial, emotional, or physical hardships are a result of not being a member in good standing with the WT Society. The JW religion thus instills a kind of superstitious behavior in that the ritualistic activities and legalistic prohibitions required are thought to alleviate spiritual emptiness and make a person acceptable to his Maker, God, and thus be spiritually whole. However, one needs to realize that their life being a “mess” is not due to the failure of satisfying the expectations of any religion which is man-made but, rather, is to a large extent related to their own practical decisions and actions.
My suggestion to you would be to honestly and fearlessly examine all the elements of your life, including financial, emotional, interpersonal, and physical, and see if there are things like financial management assistance, positive affirmations, character development, or diet and exercise which can give you the actual power to sort out and modify whatever “mess” your life may seem to be at present.
In other words, think in terms of taking positive and practical steps to improve various aspects of your life, exploring new and empowering information which can open doors for you by giving you objective insight toward a better spiritual perspective. Anyone can put their own unique “spin” on the Bible (or any other “holy book”) – and many do – but one needs to be able to look above all the trees and see the entire forest as a whole – and that requires being able to think outside of the box.
Just remember this, my friend, which is very important: “religiosity” and “spirituality” are not one and the same!