Don't be a lemming.. find your own centre.
Give me a reason not to go back
by chukky 594 77 Replies latest jw friends
The WTS is a one-size-fits-all shoe. There are alternatives. It is far less painful to find a better fit.
There are some nice JWs, but just because your life is going in a bad direction does not mean that being a JW is right. Did you leave because someone pissed you off or did you leave because you could see the teachings were not even biblical? I am not a Christian, but just on the Bible side of things, I can show you how their critical drawing point is totally off. The "fresh start" semi resurrection of 1000 years of not really being alive until judgement as offered in the WT literature is totally unbiblical.The scriptures they cite to support it are not only NOT supporting it, but they don't even seem to try to apply (even if you accept the out of context bit-even out of context,they don't apply!)
If you want truth-it isn't a place to find it. If you want to be popular and love bombed after leaving for a few years and coming back as a returning prodigal-well, you might get married to a pretty JW, you might get offered a marginal job, you might eventually get to passthe mics around and go door to door telling people pretty lies to tickle their ears. Is that how you want to spend your life?
As to your quality of life-I don'tknow what you had or what you expected, but education matters. Attitude matters. Think about the things you are doing to sabotage yourself and remember that there are successful and unsuccessful people in the org. Usually fewer of them are successful (your neighborhood may vary).
If you left the JWs and played the game as they expect that you will-with a dissolute lifestyle-that won't help your career any. That's not usually the problem (though they would love for it to be) If you are just having bad luck with jobs-we live in a sucky economy and few seem to be getting keeper jobs without a professional background of somekind. You may need therapy generally, you may need career counseling, a better work ethic or a different part of the country to live in.
I hope you find what you looking for, but if you honestly believe in God, do you think he will be championing your telling people lies at the door because you think it will improve your economic and social life?
Thank you for posting that video Watchtower-Free.
The Searcher.....I am feeling your way but haven't been able to get myself back to any meeting now for several weeks. When long time friend basically said not to call her unless I was going in service and other long-tome associates I hadnt seen were only interested ingossip opfodder or my balance sheet, it left a sour taste....
Chukky594 - What exactly have you been DOING with your life for the past 10 years ? Did you develop new goals? Aquire a college eductaion, a skill set in the field that interests you ? Did you PLAN, anything ?
Life starts with a PLAN. An actual written plan. ORGANIZE yourself on a daily and weekly and monthly schedule towards a specific GOAL.
The WT and going to "meetings" gives you the idea you are organized, because they lay out the plan for you.
The PROBLEM is the WT "plan" leads nowhere. It is circular. Its dress up, underline the magazine, comment from the magazine, raise your hand, sit through the meeting, chat a bit afterward and go home and you have only the next meeting to look forward to.
There is a good documentary on Netflix called 'Shunning', about the Amish and those who try to leave. Its amazingly similar to the JW's. Watch it if you can. Its several people, men and women who leave and the struggle they have to move forward in the outside world.
A few succeed with goals and working towards a life plan and skills, one goes back, even though her prospects are bleak as an Amish "old maid" at 28. Its sad to see her put back on her 'costume' and go back to the rigid and tightly controlled, rule oriented, community with no freedom of choice.
My guess is, you came out and became an atheist ? Or said you were? But really you still believe every doctrine, and think they have the "truth" ?
You have not found a satisfying and financially rewarding occupation ?
You still work at some menial job ? You have not connected with others over similar interests ? People bond over their hobbies, or skill set, or recreaction. Artists go paint landscapes together. Musicians form groups and play together. Designers design together. Surfers surf together. People form groups to travel together.
You don't have to be on the outside looking in, or poor or unskilled or badly housed or in a bad relationship, you can change every single aspect of your life and it will be far more satisfying than what the JW's have to offer. Why ?
To JW's its all about life deferred, postponed, "When we get in the new world, then we will travel" "When the new system comes, then I will be an artist, or musician or have a nice house." Look around at JW's who are old, and poor, and living poorly, or on welfare or the dole or fake disabilty because their lives are a mess, but as a witness its OK because your REAL life is going to happen later, in the New World ? Right ? WRONG you will just die poor and forgotten like all old JW's do.
Witness My Fury
You sound like a perfect victim many cults would love to get their teeth into....
Give me a reason not to go back
You drop this bomb and don't even the decency respond to the thoughtful comments of others.
Can you see that possibly you are playing the victim the same as jws do (all the the world is satanic etc)?
You didn't mention god in your reasons for going back(wards). Don't you think there may be a problem with your reasons to return to a religion if god is not one of them?
Thank you for posting Cedars video, well worth a watch to answer the OP
Religion, especially the high control group version, is specifically designed to prevent "dealing direct" and the "activation of our spiritual compass" which results.
On the other hand, the liberating gospel message, as encapsulated in the 5-solas, is a powerful map that anyone can find and follow, with a dramatic transformation.
To be able to steal our faith and salvation, religion offers seductive "sweetners" like (dysfunctional) community and "fellowship", until of course one begins to think, reason, doubt, or question.