Child with brain tumour taken from UK hospital by JW parents

by Fe2O3Girl 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    JW's just released this forked-tongue statement :

    The Office of Public Information for Jehovah's Witnesses said in a statement: "There is absolutely no indication, as far as we are aware, that their decision is in any way motivated by any religious convictions.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to seek the best medical treatment for themselves and their children,"

  • AnnOMaly

    My feeling is that it is more to do with having one last family vacation with him. I hope they can find and treat the poor little guy soon.

  • likeabird

    I opened this this morning sure that it would be a JW family, but there was no mention. I just read an updated article where it was confirmed so hopped over here to see what was being said.

    Taking a gravely sick child on a last holiday I find to be hugely irresponsible. If that was the case, then hospîtals will work with the family on that and there are organisations which organise family breaks for children in this situation.

    If they are trying to avoid blood, then heading to France is not going to work in their favour at all. French law ensures a child gets full medical treatment whether it goes along with a family's beliefs or not. JW parents would have no say in whether their child got blood or not. And if they had JW family in France, then they would know this already.

  • Phizzy

    They may already be in Spain, where they regularly visit friends, so anyone with friends or relatives in Spain may be able to help by raising the alarm via social media there.


    Does a reasonable mind think in this way? Some here have hinted that the reason is to go away for a "final" holiday. Would a reasonable parent just remove a gravely ill child from very good care to go on a vacation without letting the Hospital Admin know? And is his condition "final" ?

    Ok .....lets wait and see - what else can we do. But God help the Borg if this was driven by Da Dogtrine !

  • AnnOMaly

    Might the family's reasoning be along similar lines to those of this (non-JW) mother who went into hiding with her son?

  • FrenchFreeJW

    here, the article mentions twice (in French) that the family is JW.

    Totaly insane ! Poor kid(s) ...

  • nicolaou

    I'm the idiot who studied with Brett and brought this lovely family into the Watchtowers control. I spoke with them all some years ago to tell them how wrong I was and that they could always ask me anything, anytime. Doing my best to make contact now but it's not happening . . .

  • AnnOMaly

    nicolaou, everyone stands on their own two feet and it may not even be anything to do with JWism, if my initial instincts are along the right lines and konceptual99's intel is sound.

  • tornapart

    I'm wondering if there's something else involved. I had a look at the young man's FB page and it seems the little guy has been in hospital having treatment for over a month and he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. His last post was late Wednesday evening. It does seem a crazy thing to do but they seem like a well adjusted family. There's got to be more to this story than appears on the surface.

    Nicolau, I hope you manage to get in touch with them somehow.

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