Watching that video was disturbing. While it is nice to see his passion for his child, it seems so misplaced in the face of evidence-based medicine.
Seeing the poor child with no muscle control was sad. Sometimes the dad would place his hand over the child's face, oddly. And the place he chose to rest his right hand in the beginning of the video...I know those are minor points of course, but they just added a whole layer of ick for me.
Even if this is not a blood issue, let's not dismiss the fact that dubs inherit hundreds of years of brainwashing against science and medicine, placing individual opinions over tested evidence. Such jw behavior nearly killed me a few times as well when I was a kid.
This may not be directly taught as much today, but the paranoia about doctors and arrogance that the common man knows more remains to this day. For this reason, we see many vitamin peddlers, reflexologists, iridologists, etc. in the Borganization, thriving while the sheep substitute woo for medical care.
wts bears some responsibility for this. They never retracted any of these teachings formally. Also, they know the flock relies on them for advice on medical matters, and they have an extremely permissive attitude towards woo. The HLC continues to promote the anti-medical philosophy.

…if ten thousand doctors swore on ten thousand Bibles that aluminum ware is harmless to human beings, I would not believe them… – The Golden Age 07/25/1928 p. 695
More quotes here.