A Priori Proof For God's Existence

by non_trias_theos 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • non_trias_theos

    There are some propositions that rational substances know are true but do not know why they are true. This concept is illustrated when one reflects on problems associated with self-referentiality (Godel's theorem). Physicists also work with a priori ideas that they take as givens, notions without which thought would be impossible. One should not be amazed therefore if Non now argues that there are ideas that are necessarily true (they obtain in every counterfactual situation) which cannot be proved true. Conversely there are also ideas that do not contradict any formal logical schema; however, they may be false in all possible worlds.

    One example: "nothing is red and green all over" (at the same time or in the same way). Paul Davies insists that one can deny this proposition without contradicting any formal logical scheme. But any such denial is probably false in all possible worlds. Rational substances therefore affirm the proposition's validity and soundness. It is a necessary a priori proposition. Logical necessity requires that the proposition "nothing is red and green all over" obtain in all counterfactual situations.

    What about the proposition, "God does not exist"? Davies maintains that the denial of God's existence does not contradict any formal logical scheme either. Yet the proposition could be false in all possible worlds. Could it be the case that the proposition "God exists" is an a priori necessary proposition that obtains in all possible worlds and that while we have good reason for believing the proposition is true, we cannot prove that it is factual?

    Maybe the words "God exists" are similar to "Doug cannot prove this statement is true." Can you prove the last proposition is true?

    Go right on ahead.

  • Francois

    Babble aside, there is no logical proof for the existence of God.

    If you think there is, let's see it clearly demonstrated.

    Go right on ahead.


  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Babble aside, there is no logical proof for the existence of God.$$$

    You obviously missed the point of non's "babble." There are many beliefs that doxastic agents hold which they cannot rationally prove including the belief that there are other minds. So what? esides, one man's rationality is another man's foolishness. Your mind is closed to the existence of God. Nothing that non says will change your mind.

    $$$If you think there is, let's see it clearly demonstrated.$$$

    Clearly and rationally demonstrate that other minds exist.

    $$$Go right on ahead.$$$

    You first.

  • SixofNine

    The very point of babble, is to make one confused as to the point of such babble.

    Get a job doing something simple, and completely out of the realm of influencing others, Dunscot. For you are a dangerous idiot.

  • Gopher

    "Non" is a registered member of BABBLE-On "the great".


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$The very point of babble, is to make one confused as to the point of such babble.$$$

    The term "babble" is yours and not that of non's. One man's babble is another man's intentional and intelligent speech.

    $$$Get a job doing something simple, and completely out of the realm of influencing others, Dunscot. For you are a dangerous idiot.$$$

    I never said I was dunscot. You are now addressing an entity named non. Non may be dangerous but he is no idiot.

  • Dawn
    Babble aside, there is no logical proof for the existence of God

    The other option is that life just happened by chance here and through evolution. I find that harder to swallow.

    Can you show me one instance of one species being able to evolve into another species, one species mating with another species and producing offspring that is not steril? Without that...it appears to me that all the different species on earth have in fact been created. I believe in adaptation (some may call it micro-evolution), but I do not believe we (humans) and all other life forms evolved from a cellular glob living in the ocean.

  • SixofNine

    You are duns, and you are an idiot. Even if I'm wrong about you being duns, and I'm not, you are still an idiot.

    Since Jehovah isn't going to kill you for your errors, could you just do it yourself? You really need to be gone.


    Hey Gopher,if non the moron smacks himself with a hammer,till he turns purple,he can be Babble-on the grape.Kellog`s will want him for Rasin Bran poster boy..>>>Hey non,better get the hammer out,there`s big money in it for you.(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • Farkel

    : Maybe the words "God exists" are similar to "Doug cannot prove this statement false." Can you prove the last sentence is false?

    For someone who uses words that can only be found in a "Philosophical Dictionary," you don't know much about logic. Philosophers are such because they endeavor to use logic to prove their suppositions, yet you fail to understand even the most simple logical fallacy: one cannot disprove a negative assertion.

    The expression "God exists" is a positive conclusion and when supported by logical assertions assumed to be true form the basis of a logical (though not always "sound") argument. The expression "one cannot prove this statement false" is a negative assertion. It is no different than saying "Invisible purple Unicorns speak to me. Prove me wrong."

    You talk incessantly. You say next-to-nothing.

    And you don't even understand the basics of logic, let alone the finer points.

    You do know your declensions, though. I'll give you credit for that. You and the 5 other people alive who also understand them have much to discuss among yourselves.


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