A Priori Proof For God's Existence

by non_trias_theos 21 Replies latest jw friends

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    Non: Did you know that Condo Gnomes work in my apartment? Among other things, these little creatures, which BTW are never seen, they are either invisible or simply really, REALLY shy, they gradually make my condo dusty. They are also implicated in more than one sock-MIA-during-laundry incident. They occasionally hide my car keys. They also caused damage to an interior wall, damage that some narrow-minded non-believers tried to blame on "water" leaking in from the outside (as if water could get through a thick wall without intelligence -- harumph!)

    Now, to paraphrase Non:

    What about the proposition, "Condo Gnomes do not exist"? Davies maintains that the denial of Condo Gnomes's existence does not contradict any formal logical scheme either. Yet the proposition could be false in all possible worlds. Could it be the case that the proposition "Condo Gnomes exists" is an a priori necessary proposition that obtains in all possible worlds and that while we have good reason for believing the proposition is true, we cannot prove that it is factual?

    P.S. I'll put my Condo Gnomes up against your God anyday. My Condo Gnomes haver never been reported to cause genocide, have never asked me to murder my firstborn, and have never ordered me to worship them like little ego-maniacs. But for this to be a fair fight, you will have to tell me which is your God: God of the Old Testament? God of the New Testament? Muslim God of the Quran? The Hindu God? God of {insert other religion here}..... ??????

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: http://Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com

  • julien

    When did dunce-cap show up again?

    Dawn: a good starting point is

    Realist: Are you daft??? the Bible clearly proves that God created all the languages at the Tower of Babel. Before that there was only one language: Hebrew..

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