A Priori Proof For God's Existence

by non_trias_theos 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    @ dawn: the different species have not been created. there are many examples where one can observe speciation (eg. different drosophila species on hawaii). the molecular principles that underlie slow but steady changes in the populations have been discovered as well. together with the archeological record and sequencing data from more and more species there is no doubt about the accuracy of evolution.

    by the way, evolution takes place in many fields not just speciation. think about the development of languages. french, spanish, portuguese, italien all developed from the same ancestral language by small gradual changes.

  • Dawn

    That is interesting Realist - can you point me to a book or website on that subject? I am interested in following up with more study - thanks.

  • 144thousand_and_one
    You talk incessantly. You say next-to-nothing. -- Farkel


    Thank you for summarizing non-whatever's words in a language the rest of us can understand! I'm going to give you an "o" for "outstanding" on your counsel slip in the following categories: clarity, brevity, and accuracy.

  • Realist

    @ dawn: how much background in biology do you have already?

  • Farkel


    : how much background in biology do you have already?

    I'm not Dawn, but just for the record, I'm fairly experienced in the "reproduction attempts" part. I used to know all the Phylum, but I prefer focusing on "reproduction attempts." It's a lot more rewarding than knowing Phylum and it IS biology, you know. In practice!


  • Cassiline
    Maybe the words "God exists" are similar to "Doug cannot prove this statement false." Can you prove the last sentence is false?

    Godel also showed that provability is a weaker notion than truth.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Dawn

    Hi Realist:

    To be honest - only the classes from highschool - and that was quite some time ago.

    I'm a computer geek - they don't reproduce, breathe, grow, etc - so biology is really a foreign subject to me. (well - except for "reproduction attempts")

  • Flip

    Theoretically speaking, if there were no life other than that found on Earth and those populations ceased to exist for one reason or another, would not the concept of God and ultimately the Universe also cease?


  • SYN

    More bibble babble from Non. Thank. Now show me a photo of "God" (or even "Jehovah" would do in a pinch!)

    Now disprove that pink unicorns don't exist.

    Now you are beginning to understand why it is impossible for my mind to wrap itself around the notion of "God".

    Flip: Yes. But no-one can prove that there is no other intelligent life in the Universe. There is a school of thought that holds that the Universe created us to observe it so that it could be created. This would mean that if we ceased to be, another intelligent life-form would emerge instantaneously from the ooze on another world. See quantum mechanics

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • non_trias_theos


    $$$For someone who uses words that can only be found in a "Philosophical Dictionary," you don't know much about logic. Philosophers are such because they endeavor to use logic to prove their suppositions, yet you fail to understand even the most simple logical fallacy: one cannot disprove a negative assertion.$$$

    I have edited this post and will edit the first one. Non made a mistake in the first post. He should have said can you prove this statement to be true. He stands corrected.

    $$$You talk incessantly. You say next-to-nothing.$$$

    Do you think?

    $$$You do know your declensions, though. I'll give you credit for that. You and the 5 other people alive who also understand them have much to discuss among yourselves.$$$

    This is the first time you have uttered anything that is only 50% insulting instead of 100% denigrating. Are you becoming softie?

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