"I’ve noticed a lot of former JW’s have become either Atheists or Agnostics. To be honest, I can’t see accept those beliefs either. Let’s say I had a son who was only a baby that died a six months, am I wrong to believe that I would see him or do I need to accept the cold reality that I never will?" -
I realize what it means to test my beliefs against the dictates of reality, and to correct them when nature tells me I’m wrong. I bear no personal stake in any of the beliefs I hold, but simply in the rational assurance that whatever beliefs I do hold are indeed correspondent with reality. I therefore measure my beliefs through a clear set of epistemic rules, and I make no exceptions under any context. That’s what it takes to make new discoveries and build the knowledge of humanity.
"Regarding the homosexuality issue, if it were okay then why can’t two people of the same sex produce a child? And after reading a recent 2014 article (Not a JW or religious article) about gay sex, it states that gay sex has been leading to increasing sexual diseases even to those who use protection." -
Well, using your own logic, heterosexual couples should be tested for infertility before they get married. In addition, if both proved to be fertile (no point getting married otherwise), they should having kids within the first 5 years of marriage. If I understood your statement, marriage is only to have kids.
STD's are more about education that anything else. And do to the influence of religion, debate on sex education in schools still ongoing, half of all mothers of sexually active teenagers mistakenly believe that their children are still virgins. The U.S. has one of the highest rates of STDs among adolescents and the highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed world.
And it gets worst because, the U.S. government promotes abstinence-only sex education in schools even though there is no evidence that it is effective. And abstinence-only programs do not teach about contraception or condoms except to report failure rates that are often exaggerated. Just 69% of schools even have a policy about sex education of any kind and, of those, only 65% teach about contraception and condoms. Critics of comprehensive sex ed say teaching kids about contraception sends "mixed messages" and may make young people take more sexual risks. Even though research shows no such link; in fact, the evidence proves the opposite.
Abstinence-only programs show no evidence of delaying a young person's first sexual intercourse or of reducing the frequency of sexual intercourse.
The Bible states in Genesis that marriage is between a man and his mutated rib, which is as painful as it sounds, but at least the Constitution allows it.
In time, God expands this beautiful concept into a union between a man, his swinging wife, and her abused servant. Under His divine plan, marriage blossoms into a sacred contract between a rich rapist and his victim, a king and 700 fine, foxy ladies, a man and his brother's widow, and occasionally a man and his own daughters when the wine is alright.
Religion view sex outside of marriage as morally wrong, or sex for non-procreative reasons as wrong. Gay sex is a sin, oral sex is a sin, pornography is a sin, and anything fun or different, or not missionary in the dark for the purpose of having a baby, is wrong. There's no good reason for it, of course, and the best answer you may get is that the Bible, or whatever religious text, speaks against it.
Well, the Bible warns against wearing clothes of mingled fabric states, owning slaves, having contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness, working on the Sabbath or eating shellfish, so let's not pick and choose what words of "God" we can follow and which we can ignore.
The fact is, sex makes people uncomfortable in much of Western society because we've demonized it.