JWINQUESTION says ... I'm basing morality on the bible itself.
If that is so then the murdering of innocent children by Yahweh the god of the ancient Hebrews, rape and slavery promoted
by this ancient civilization constitutes practical morality ?
The stoning to death of people who opposed the direction of the high priests (seers) .... etc.
The stoning to death of children who persistently dishonored their parents. ..... etc.
Yes that civilization certainly had high moral standards, therefore it would beneficial for all of humanity to emulate those moral standards of that
select ancient civilization.
There is of course some good practical social postulations in the bible concerning loving and honoring one
and another, to be sure.
The containing amount of human ignorance of that civilization, much like the many other civilizations of that time,
shows quite an oppositional difference of what is accepted in today's modern sociological awareness. (morality)