Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • prologos

    Mr Nolen was following a standard JW procedure, witnessing (islaming) on the job. same zeal.

    the good thing about WT adherent is , they propose to leave the dirty work to their God.

  • tootired2care

    Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog.
    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
    - Sir Winston Churchill (1899)

  • minimus

    read posting guidelines 2. And 1 too.

  • Simon

    jgnat: I think it's time the world stops pretending that it's just a few 'radical extremists' giving islam as bad name. These are their beliefs whether some chose to gloss over and dismiss them or not - it's the current teachings of the faith is it not? If it isn't then why aren't the leaders standing up and telling their followers that?

    It's no different to the crap written in the bible ... except right now no one follows or believes that old testament stuff any more in sufficient numbers to be a danger to the world.

  • AlphaMan

    You absolutely cannot allow that Islamic beheading terror shit to start happening on U.S. soil. You have to hit back, and hit back extremely hard. If you must round them up, then start rounding up any of them that has expressed any extremist ideas or statements, and put their asses in the FEMA camps.

    I've been watching CNN the past couple days and have not seen this mentioned.

  • Vidiot

    Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else like these head-chopping wackos are deliberately trying to provoke and stoke anti-Islam sentiment in the Western world?

    (BTW, this is fundamentalist Christianity taken to its logical extreme, too, IMO...)

  • Simon

    BTW, this is fundamentalist Christianity taken to its logical extreme, too, IMO

    I agree - Christianity went through this phase hundreds of years ago. Now there are just a few extremists that pop up from time to time but not enough to form a quartet.

    What would be so difficult in making membership of a group a crime in itself? It's been done before for other far less dangerous groups.

    I doubt the founding fathers considered the degree of irrational hatred and extremism that exists now when they were writing the constitutional amendment rights.

  • sir82

    What would be so difficult in making membership of a group a crime in itself?

    You would like a law in the USA making it a crime to "be a Muslim"?

    Well, one such "difficulty" would be finding prison space for the 6 million or so Muslims here.

    Or are you advocating immediate execution?

  • Gregor

    Min. -" Extremism is not good, in any form. "

    Sounds good but in fact, I disagree.

    Why isn't the treatment of women addressed by all the apologist wimps who are outraged at a video of a football player cold cocking his fiance. The list of outrageous practices , from female genital mutilation, the list goes on and on. No one, including the Pres. will even mention it.

    It is a mono-eyebrow, g*** f*****, left-hand-for-ass-wiping bunch of death cult drones.

    I say terminate with EXTREME prejudice.

  • AlphaMan

    You would like a law in the USA making it a crime to "be a Muslim"?

    Well, one such "difficulty" would be finding prison space for the 6 million or so Muslims here.


    No problem at all. Send them to a Muslim country if they want to remain Muslim. It's all make believe bullshit anyway. It's time to put an end to all this crap.

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