Oklahoma beheading - Islam is a disease

by Simon 1524 Replies latest members adult

  • confusedandalone

    ISIS is to Islam what the Klu Klux Klan is to Christianity. Yet no one would say this about Chrisitianity.

    Nearly every major religion produces terrorists of some sort.

    As a matter of fact, ISIS is doing exactly what the Klan wishes they could - the only problem is they do not have the determination to pull this shit off and the fact that the US Government is stronger than the Middle East governments.

    The klan lit crosses on peoples property, lynched, burned, dismembered and mailed bones as souvenirs of said lynchings, bombed, raped etc... etc...

    Let's not act like there are not a whole lot of Christians in the USofA waiting for the RaHoWa.

    Why make the most extreme examples of adherents the face of a religion

  • Simon

    ISIS is to Islam what the Klu Klux Klan is to Christianity. Yet no one would say this about Chrisitianity.

    How many people are you talking about and when did they last get in the news? how often? etc...

    Nearly every major religion produces terrorists of some sort.

    That is simply not true. Some religions will never produce any - their teachings are completely counter to it.

    Others ... well, the mere name of them is synonymous with terror and violence. Why do you suppose this is? Just bad publicity perhaps? A biased media?

    This mantra of "all religions are the same" is part of the issue of refusal to acknowledge and face the reality that they are very, very different and some should not exist.

    "Nazism" was a religion ... should we have defended this too? Should we have tollerated it's adherants behaviour as well?

  • Viviane

    Top causes of death, according to the World Health Organization report for the calendar year 2001: [ 10 ]

    Causes of death in undeveloped countriesNumber of deathsCauses of death in developed countriesNumber of deaths
    HIV-AIDS 2,678,000 Ischaemic heart disease 3,512,000
    Lower respiratory infections 2,643,000 Cerebrovascular disease 3,346,000
    Ischaemic heart disease 2,484,000 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1,829,000
    Diarrhea 1,793,000 Lower respiratory infections 1,180,000
    Cerebrovascular disease 1,381,000 Lung cancer 938,000
    Childhood diseases 1,217,000 Car crash 669,000
    Malaria 1,103,000 Stomach cancer 657,000
    Tuberculosis 1,021,000 Hypertensive heart disease 635,000
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 748,000 Tuberculosis 571,000
    Measles 674,000 Suicide 499,000

    Murder, much less Islam, doesn't even rate. If someone cares about life, much better to outlaw sex, smoking, shitting, eating and driving.

  • minimus

    Do the vast majority of Muslims want to behead people? If not, let's not lump everyone in the same pot.

    There are crazy extreme JWs and if you read their literature you might feel the need to have them wiped out, but not everyone is the same.

  • Simon

    Viviane: So you're saying we need to kill all those people first right? (joke)

    I think there is a difference between accidents and health issues and someone going to work in a morning and being beheaded but I see your point.

  • Simon

    Do the vast majority of Muslims want to behead people? If not, let's not lump everyone in the same pot.

    If they don't believe in what their god tells them they should then are they really Muslims?

    Does their holy book say that unbelievers should be killed or doesn't it?

  • AlphaMan

    Others ... well, the mere name of them is synonymous with terror and violence.


    Bingo......and Islam is synonymous with terror and violence. It will not get better in the U.S. by pandering to the Muslims. In fact, it will only get worse as the Muslims demand more here in the U.S., and the Liberals keep bending over backwards to keep from offending Muslims and give them more. Muslim beheadings of Americans in their own home towns will become routine, simply because there happens to be some "nice Muslims" and we don't want to offend them.

  • cofty

    Do the vast majority of Muslims want to behead people? If not, let's not lump everyone in the same pot.

    Are the vast majority of Muslims loudly condemning their brothers who do? No.

    The extremists are simply following their book faithfully. The Muslims we all know and love are benevolent hypocrites.

  • confusedandalone

    ISIS is thought to have 30k members as of today. The KKK has about 10k. However if you couple the KKK with many of the other Christian based White Supremist groups the gap closes and no doubt exceeds the numbers of ISIS. This just in the United States. White Supremist groups are often in the news in the USA. The have rallys and still kill people here.

    There are Hindu Terrorists

    There are Sikh Terrorists

    There are OBVIOUSLY Christian terrorists

    There are Buddhist Terrorists

    There are animist Terrorists

    There are/were Shinto Terrorists

    You do not hear about them because their conflicts do not affect USA or Europe to a great extent.

  • Simon

    simply because there happens to be some "nice Muslims" and we don't want to offend them.

    Which is the point I'm trying to make: there are not 'nice muslims' - there are extremists and there are pretend-muslims. It's time the pretend muslims stopped giving cover to the extremists and stopped being so quick to take offense but so slow to condemn attrocities and distance themselves from the perpetrators.

    Question: if any other religion had so many adherants advocating violence and killing at such an extreme level, who thinks all the other followers of that faith would keep saying "oh yeah, I'm one of those too! (erm, but one of the moderate, 'nice' ones)" ?

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