Even moderate Muslims have extreme religious views - the hijab, ramadan, no handshakes or high fives between men and women, multiple prayers in the direction of Mecca daily, etc. I deal with a lot of this on a daily basis where I work. Lovely people, very kind and easy to talk to, no doubt about that and my personal thoughts on this whole topic is that because there really is no rejection of the Quran the way that moderate Christians reject portions of the OT (still weird to me how they pull that off).
One lady who used to be my boss doesn't wear the hijab. She says that this is because she's vain, so she does an extra set of 5 prayers every night before bed to beg for forgiveness. Definitely some cognitive dissonance there, but the belief that a lack of head covering displeases a deity is extreme.
Another example of a woman at work - she had some health issues a couple of years ago and also had not worn the hijab for a while. She got it into her head that her health issues were a punishment and began wearing the hijab again. Definitely an extreme point of view.
One of the guys who reports to me will not high five me. He says it's because of respect for women, but knowing how women are viewed in Muslim society I'm a little skeptical that this is the underlying reason. At any rate, it's an extreme point of view.
And another example from work - an adult woman is forbidden from her father to work past 8pm in the winter months and 9pm in the summer months. She complies with this because she's afraid of her father's wrath.
These examples are all moderate Muslims, living in a Canadian city who are horrified by ISIS but still carry extreme views. Same thing with JW's who play well with others - they can be fun to chat and joke around with, will help you out, are kind and polite but they still want you to convert to their religion or no matter how nice you are, you'll feel the pain of death from a deity who judged you to be unworthy of life. The extremist Muslims are in a category all their own, but I do belive that moderate Muslims are much more like JW's and fundamentalist Christians.