I was wondering if anyone know sany statistics of the amount of born ins that actually stay in the orginization. I think I have read it before on here but I can't really remember what it was.
by lostinthought 35 Replies latest jw friends
I was wondering if anyone know sany statistics of the amount of born ins that actually stay in the orginization. I think I have read it before on here but I can't really remember what it was.
When you consider the disfellowshipping effect on people who's entire life, family, friends, etc. is entangled with the cult, it is logical to assume that Born ins are a pretty stable element in the membership.
As a born in, I think I am one of the exceptions in that I gave the org the bird and paid the price in family shunning. That was over thirty years ago and I would do it again.
I dunno if this helps but http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/statistics.php
My local calculations are about 1 in 5.
(Personally I was the only one in a group of 10 to come back. Now it's zero. However, none of us were baptized. Hence, you can see why they are pushing child baptism so hard. Gotta keep a few, one way or another.)
In my personal case, it is more difficult for me to just let go of everything, not because I believe in this bs but because the majority of family and friends are in the cult. Most of the drone young people I know are likely to stay and if they mess up in their life and get disfellowshipped they are so very likely to return to the cult, why? because of family.
The WT org is very clear that it wants young born-in JW's to commit to membership by baptism before they become teenagers. Depending on the family situation, pressure is put on parents (by their parents and others in the congregation) to get their youngsters baptized.
As these kids become adults many stay 'active'. But these folks are very different from when my generation was that age. I call them 'floaters'. They get dressed and make the meetings and are sorta regular in field service. They've learned to stay under the radar - play by the rules and keep out of judicial trouble. They know the rules. They don't know the Bible.
They believe the major WT doctrines - but the end times dogma is downplayed to a 'maybe the end will come sometime soon'. They're all into social media, the new music, hipsterisms and psudo environmental awareness. They pose as the 'cool' Witnesses with edgy clothes, iPads & video games. They have limited education and minimal earning power. They continue to depend on their parents for emotional and/or financial support. They marry each other and have babies. The cycle continues.
@ginger That pretty much describes all the young people in my congregation.
I can honestly say in this area (south-central Pennsylvania) that the congregations I grew up in are like geriatric wards. There are no "youth" from ages 18-35. The ones that ARE left are completely gutless, brainwashed, socially retarded and isolated homeschooled little JW robot FREAKS with no prospect of ever moving out of Elder Father and Pioneer Mother's basement. They are perpetually virgins and intellectual midgets. I'd say at age 18 (and before in a lot of cases) kids are checking out, leaving, and giving the finger to the "JW.org". I am 35. Of the 10-15 people my age that I knew as JW's in elementary school, only (2) are left. One, is the pussy-whipped son of the local CoBE, and he married a Circuit Overseer's daughter. His life and balls are non-existant. He runs a potato chip truck that stocks grocery stores with (1) particular brand. Real rocket scientist. The other one is a demure, pussified little man-child, who's first hot JW latino wife was so disgusted with him that she divorced him inside of 2 years. Her JW parents supported her. No one knew why, but I think I have an idea. Just last weekend, I passed him in the grocery store pushing a cart with another very effeminant looking man-child. Both were extremely "close and overfriendly", and metro-sexual looking. I'm talking limp wrists and light loafers all-around. I don't think these two were shopping for a congregation picnic if you ask me. They did however look happy, so good for them! I'm sure his parents on the other hand, are NOT. This is because they disowned their oldest daughter (man-child's older sister) back when she was 18 and dating a non-JW. She was DF'd for doing so. She married him 10 years ago. Her parents have NOTHING to do with her, but are ok with their closeted-homosexual son as long as he doesn't openly come out as being with his "friend". I'm at a loss for words on that situation.
So score is:
2: still left in relgion. (1) in closet
13: Gone for good, and many with spouses and children that they keep far away from crazy JW parents and religion.
How's messing with everyone's life working out for you, JW.cult?
- Wing Commander
I noticed that too. The born ins are not very zealous for "the truth" . My wife and I are like this. Just do enough to get by and there are lots of us out there. It is a drain on the resources of the org because none of us "weak publishers" look after congregation responsibilities and it all falls on a few and they burn out.
ginger, you are spot on there. Now the next generation is doing the same, thankfully my daughter is out, but sadly my son is trapped, he might just start playing by the rules soon, I hope not. Kate xx