It will be so hard to leave my family behind but I'm gonna have to do it sooner or later, can't keep leaving like this. I'm 21 and my life is already f'd up to keep adding more. If it wasn't for family I would have left long time ago. I also regret very much getting baptized but that's all my mother's work since I was a kid.
How many born ins actually stay?
by lostinthought 35 Replies latest jw friends
RobertT18 - My advice is don't 'leave' your family behind. Just drift out of the WT control. If you're a 'floater', just use the same methods you've learned as a kid to get by - be good and pleasant, be non-committal. Your mom will go a bit crazy for a while but will come to accept your (non)decision. In fact, to others in the congregation, she'll make excuses or tell them she's 'washed her hands' of you.
Don't be confrontational or argumentative. Just fade...
That's another thing......I, and probably 90% of the rest of my peers, were NOT dumb enough to be baptized. Oh sure, we'd "study" from time to time, then say we were waiting just a little while longer.....sooon....shortly. Then NEVER get dunked. I enjoyed what little freedom I had, and NEVER wanted to experience the hardship of being DF'd, so I never really wanted to get dunked. It's had the added bonus of being completely "untouchable." I can say, do, act however I want and there isn't a damn thing any of them can do about it. My once-JW parents passed away, and even if they were alive, I'm pretty sure they'd be "out" with me as well due to how f*cked up this so-called religion has become. So FU, JW.cult!
- Wing Commander
Ginger, I'm just so tired of meetings, service and all the hypocrites in the cong. I've just had it with everyone there, I'm at a point where I don't want to see anyone from that place but you give a good advice. I'm in college atm and I'm aiming for a job far away from my parents, if that happens, that will be my golden ticket out of the org.
Robert - You have a plan. Excellent! My son did the exact same thing you speak of - and it works.
Have a goal and make it happen.
I still advise not to 'destroy' your family in the process. Understand where their minds are at and show them how you can be independent and happy.
I'm in college atm and I'm aiming for a job far away from my parents, if that happens, that will be my golden ticket out of the org.- RobertT18
Many born ins use this strategy and it seems to work quite well. They can come home and visit as often as they like but their new life is their own. Good luck with your well thought out plan. Everyone needs an exit plan, it helps.
Kate xx
add me to the stat, born in, dreadful
Too many
Good for you Robert! You're getting an education AND throwing the bird to the JW.cult, good for you!!!! While the other LOSERS are out pioneering and living in their parent's basements, you'll actually have a career AND a life!! That's the best revenge of all. F'em all!!!!
- Wing Commander
All for show
I'm in this group of born ins. I see them either leaving or just numb. A select few are zealous and used in the hierarchy....the rest sit back and feel like we have the truth but something is seriously wrong. Hey, if we die, we die at least we won't burn. I was talking with some 60/70 year old born ins who 'made the truth their own' with deep study, but say us 20/30 year olds haven't done that, but we aren't given anything deep and these old ones see it. They said we need to do our own research, trust in Jehovah, and rise above. I pointed out all the hypocrisy, double standards, and lack of love they see it and acknowledge it. They did get worked up saying as I pointed out multiple flaws we have, their trust is in the slave though, thinking local congs are crazy but not the bOrg. I shut my mouth when they went there, I didn't need to be in a JC. So, the oldies trust in the top not the local level...and the youth, don't know what to think, other then wishing they were out. Pissed off they have kids, are Broke, and can't live their life.