Through fb I have become aware of some in their 20's & 30's now that have left the wt. Some have surprised me. Then there are the ones I have found out are still in. The odd thing is, some that are still in were treated badly when I was still in, and always felt they had something to prove. Guess they stayed in for family. And as some of you have already stated, some just fly under the radar. Their parents have done it for decades!
How many born ins actually stay?
by lostinthought 35 Replies latest jw friends
For those that were born in ...don't get DF but slowly fade. DF is death with family but not so much when you fade, they will always hope that you come back and treat you with mercy unless they see you're involved in some " nasty stuff ".
The Pew Forum did a survey a couple of years ago and the results were 1/3 stay.
JW's have the highest attrition rate of any religion in the US!
James Brown
Thinking back to being born in in the 50's and peole I know that are still
in who were born in with me.
I would say my experience is 50/50.
50% stay for various reasons.
Some study was quoted that close to 70% of born ins are not in anymore, if that is true then thats great hope for my kids..
The statistics make me think that there's some hope, but my personal (anecdotal evidence) experience hasn't been as good. Of those that I was friends with growing up, there were a few that never got baptized, didn't really go to meetings, etc. all of them eventually got baptized in their 20s and are now as 'in' as they can be. I only know of 2 that left, one was gay and I don't know the circumstances of the other, but I think he just didn't care enough (whatever it takes). I just hope both found TTATT. 2 out of a group of 10-15 isn't entirely optimistic.
It definitely varies from one group to another. One (more recent) friend of mine said the other day that essentially everyone he grew up with is now DF'd.
Thanks everyone. I basically am a born in. My mother started going to meetings as long as I can remember. Witnessess converted her father when she was in her 20's , eventually my gradndmother became a witness. This lead to most of my mother and most of her brothers and sisters becoming withnessess (there are 8 of them in total). That being said, most of my aunts and uncles along with cousins are witnessess. I am the only one out of my cousins and sibligins that has faded (with the exception of my uncles step son who is also an apostate). Nobody has been dfed to my knowledge. I would have thought that with as many cousins that I have that were born in more should be out satistically.
This is brought about because of a phone call I had with my mother last night. In the past before my fade, at the begining of the doubting phase, we use to talk about how wrong the religion was. She didn't think I had the balls to actually leave. But I did, so now she's all upset and I beleive that a lot of it has to do with the perception of other people. It looks good that all of her children are in "the truth". Anyway, she wanted to know if I was still going to marry my "wordly" financee. I said yes, she then pereceded to try and minipulate me by saying "if you go back to the meeting we will come to the wedding, if not..." I told her I didn't care, there is no way I'm returning. She ended the call with "well do whar YOU want"... whatever. Sorry about the rant.
William Penwell
In my family my 2 sons are no longer JW's and in my sisters family, out of 6 children 3 are no longer JW's. Out of all my mom and dad's 11 grandchildren, 5 are out and 6 ares till in. So that is almost 50/50.
I wonder what the statistics are for families where one of the parents are not in or had faded DA'd or DF'd, hope there much higher..
It's definitely a high-churn religion but most don't notice because the churn happens over years.