Is Blood Thicker Dan Water

by non_trias_theos 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Oh oh, non, are you sure about the fds? [ or were you talking about the feminie hygiene spray]

    One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:

    "If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."

    According to Fortune Magazine 941 MILLION DOLLARS IN 1999!
    No thanks to you, of the freeloading class.

  • Dutchie

    Non, it is also true that you can be the best person in the world. Never drink, never fornicate, never do any evil thing and if you don't go from door to door then you aren't going to be saved.

    As the the Faithful and Discreet Slave, you can be right if you want to be. It doesn't really matter to me who they are. I just bet that this slave is not connected to the watchtower society in any way. Just because they say it does, does not make it so. In fact, I think I am the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Yeah. Why not? Yep, that's what I am. But I'm not selfish. You can be the Faithful Slave too, Non. In fact, we can call it a class so that it can include more people. Hey, lets round some people up and we can make them part of our class too? Whaddaya say?

  • somebody
    Some people in this place think that jws break up families. They say that since jws df unrepentant baptized members and insist on jw family members restricting association with df members that jws try to break up families. What do you think about this charge?

    Some people in this place KNOW that jws break up families. They KNOW that since jws follow the laws of the watchtower bible and tract society INC publishing business by particpating in handing fellow imperfect humans whom the elders in their church have judges as unrepentant and condemmed into the hands of Satan. They KNOW that this is evil and hurts their family members but continue to do it anyway, ignoring Jesus' laws stated in the Bible. They KNOW and continue ignoring the fact that the Bible says to repent to GOD and that it is NOT a law to have to prove repentance of any sin to other fellow humans. That is why Jesus said to STOP judging and STOP condemming one another, lest they be judged and condemmed the only judge. They KNOW who that judge is. They KNOW that Jesus said that not even the Father judges. Yet they continue judging and condemming because the publishing company they became baptized publishers for ( notice that I did not say baptized disciples, for the publishing company tells them that they are babptized publishers ) They also KNOW that they can't follow both Jesus and the publishing company. They KNOW that they can't serve two masters. They KNOW that they can either be disciples of Jesus, or publishers of the Watchtower bible & Tract Society Inc. Therefore, they make their own choice.

    If I read that you are persecuted on account of Jesus' name one more time, I'm gonna hurl.

    Like I said. We have a choice to make. it's supposed to be a free choice to follow Jesus. The Jws are not allowed that freedom. They either have to follow the laws of the publishing company, or they will be handed over to Satan/disfellowshipped. Are you going to sit here and say that handing family members over to the devil doesn't not tear families apart? What do you think that does to a person?

    I blame the wbts for making such evil practices law, and telling followers to respond to what they teach as if it's the word of God, making jws think that handing others over to the devil is a loving thing to do to those who have been deemed unrepentant by elders.
    That is what I think about that "charge". Guilty as charged. For some people, the word of the watchtower bible & tract Society Inc. thicker than the word of Jesus


    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while."~ Golden Age Feb 10 1926 31

    Group air bath,anyone?

  • crawdad2

    hi non,

    ya, korah rebelled against moses, the "appointed by god", with "visible credentials" (miracles)......leader of israel.

    so........korah was found to be "not appointed by god"........and down he went...(earthquake)

    kinda like the gov body, who claims to be the 2 prophets in the 11 chapter of revelation.....the gov body has "no credentials"... they are "not appointed by god".......they have claimed to be god's mouthpiece and visible organization..........duet 18:20
    so down they will go, with all the other "false prophets".... matt 24:24

  • SYN

    You need to get off your Bowen diet and read more of the Bible. Get back to reality, yo.

    Oh really? Which bit of the Bible should I get back to reading?

    God divided the sea with a "blast of [his] nostrils." Exodus 15:8

    Clams, oysters, crabs and lobsters are abominations to God. Exodus 11:10-12

    God's treatment for leprosy: Get two birds. Kill one. Dip the live bird in the blood of the dead one. Sprinkle the blood on the leper seven times, and then let the blood-soaked bird fly off. Next find a lamb and kill it. Wipe some of its blood on the patient's right ear, thumb, and big toe. Sprinkle seven times with oil and wipe some of the oil on his right ear, thumb and big toe. Repeat. Finally kill a couple doves and offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. Exodus 14:2-32

    "And there we saw the giants ... And we were in our own sight as grasshopper, and so we were in their sight." According to this description, then, the giants must have been about 300 feet tall. These are the same giants (the Nephilium) that resulted when the "sons of God" mated with "the daughters of men in Gen.6:4. Of course these superhuman god-men should have been destroyed in the flood. So what are they doing still alive? Numbers 13:33

    Joshua circumcises "again the children of Israel the second time." OUCH! Jos.5:2-3

    God makes the sun and moon stand still so that Joshua could get all his killing done before dark. It was the first Daylight Savings Time. Not to mention that the amount of angular energy the Earth possesses is so great that if it were to stop spinning, the oceans would now be in orbit. Jos.10:12-13

    And David smote the land and left neither man nor woman alive." (No wonder God liked David so much!) Among those that David exterminated were the Amalekites. But there couldn't have been any Amalekites to kill since Saul killed them all (1 Sam.15:7-8) just a little while before. 1 Samuel 27:8-11

    The Amalekites are a tough tribe. Twice they were "utterly destroyed": first by Saul (1 Sam.15:7-8) and then by David (1 Sam.27:9-11). Yet here they are, just a few years later, fighting the Israelites again! 1 Samuel 30:1

    An angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men while they sleep. "And when they arose, behold, they were all dead corpses." 2 Kg.19:35

    God saves the author of this psalm "from the horns of the unicorns." He is a lucky guy -- those unicorns are vicious beasts. Psalms 22:21

    God makes Lebanon and Sirion "like a young unicorn." LOL! Psalms 29:6

    Isaiah has sex with a prophetess who conceives and bears a son. (You weren't expecting a daughter, were you?) God then tells Isaiah to call his name Mathershalalhashbaz. (It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?) Isaiah 8:3

    Some are transgressors "from the womb." But how can a newborn baby transgress? Isaiah 48:8

    God likes neither woman nor pillows. He says, "Woe to the woman that sew pillows ... Behold, I am against your pillows." Ezekiel 13:18-21

    The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood." These "signs" were a lot more impressive before the causes of solar and lunar eclipses were understood. Joel 2:31

    God stands on a wall holding a plumb line while he talks to Amos. Amos 7:7

    Jonah escapes from the omnipresent god by fleeing to Tarshish. Jonah 1:3

    "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God." Even Judges 19:22-30 and Ezek. 23:20? 2 Tim.32:16

    John quotes Jesus (1900 years ago) as saying he will come "quickly." Rev.22:7, 12, 20

    Now, go and play!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Matty

    SYN, here, here!

    Who is Dan Water anyway? Doesn't he read the news on CBS?

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Dutchie her own faithful and discreet slave, what a novel idea. NOT [the idea, i mean]

    Who in the end is responsible for one's actions anyway?
    How do you look after the household of your own heart? Do you rely on a printing company who say they are channeled by holy spirit [electic force of god]
    One should always on the watch that no one tries to corrupt you. Sounds about right heh?

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Non, it is also true that you can be the best person in the world. Never drink, never fornicate, never do any evil thing and if you don't go from door to door then you aren't going to be saved.$$$

    What is wrong with going from door to door? Let say that a Christian's heart is brimming over with what she knows about God and Christ. Did not the Bible say that the mouth speaks from the heart's abundance? If you really feel something in your heart, do you keep it to yourself? Plus it is supposed to be a life-saving message.

    $$$As the the Faithful and Discreet Slave, you can be right if you want to be. It doesn't really matter to me who they are.$$$

    If it does not matter--why did you bring it up?

    $$$I just bet that this slave is not connected to the watchtower society in any way. Just because they say it does, does not make it so. In fact, I think I am the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Yeah. Why not? Yep, that's what I am. But I'm not selfish. You can be the Faithful Slave too, Non. In fact, we can call it a class so that it can include more people. Hey, lets round some people up and we can make them part of our class too? Whaddaya say?$$$

    You misunderstood what jw believe about the fds. Admit that you were wrong. And we do not need a bunch of faithful slave classes running around. One is enough.

    $$$ya, korah rebelled against moses, the "appointed by god", with "visible credentials" (miracles)......leader of israel.$$$

    Tell that to SYN and ARoarer, non already knows it.

  • deddaisy

    "Is Blood Thicker Dan Water"

    yes...but the
    shit coming out of the Watchtower Society
    is thickest of all......


    Hey non,you poor,poor troll.WBTS bullshit doe`s break up family`s and sorry bastards like you participate in this evil.Your should be very thankfull you have the system to hide behind,even though you wish to bring it down.Just think,if there were no government to protect you,public hangings of bastards like you would be common place...OUTLAW

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