Is Blood Thicker Dan Water

by non_trias_theos 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StinkyPantz

    It's funny that you won't reply to my post. But that's okay because I realize that you Biblical knowledge is lacking. Also your knowledge of the organization that you worship is also lacking. Although it is amazing to me that you spend so much time speaking with people dubbed "apostates". Don't you know that that is against the rules? Why are you breaking a law given to you be the "Faithful Slave"? Are you willing to sacrifice youe eternal life? Apparently so. You are not a true JW. So if you are not a true JW you must be a follower of Satan.

    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • crawdad2

    hi non,,,,,,,,listen sweetie,......i don't care if you are taken!!!
    only, please don't give yourself the compliment of thinking that i like you.....ok?
    now,........about me following you........hmmmmmm.......naaaaaaah, i don't want to.
    you seem to be following a blind unrepentand false prophet...

  • non_trias_theos

    Dear ajax

    Let non spell it out for you because you do not seem to get it.

    $$$It is not a political one. You know it, but you're denying it.$$$

    Non does not know if free speech is a natural right or not. But he does know that it is a political one. We are talking about rights and not abilities. Do you see what non is saying? Geez, it is not that hard to understand.

    $$$Can you speak?
    Can you talk?$$$


    $$$If your answer is yes, then freedom of speech is natural.$$$

    No it is not. Not when you are talking about rights. Regardless of whether I could talk in Iraq, would you still say that free speech exists there? Do you get it yet?

  • SYN

    Conclusion: Non is a Dub lunatic who ignores things that make him feel uncomfortable or make the Publishing Company formerly known as a Religion look bad. Non, don't make me pull a 7of9 on your ASS!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • StinkyPantz

    I recall a post earlier where "Non" was correcting someone's use of the English language. Will someone please explain to me why he refers to himself by name instead of "I", and why his writing is like that of a 9 year old.

    I also want to know why he won't respond to my post. I think that it is because he cannot prove that 1) the WTBS is a not false prophet and 2) shunning is a good thing.

    P.S. Just because freedom of speech is not practiced(in Iraq) does not mean it is not a natural right.

    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Just because freedom of speech is not practiced(in Iraq) does not mean it is not a natural right.$$$

    True enough. But non's comments must be read in the context of his dialogue with ajax. Ajax thinks that free speech is a natural right just because one opens her motuh and speaks. Non so.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well Non, you seemed a bit confused about whether freedom of speech is a natural right so I was trying to clear that up for you. Can I ask you a question though. Is the WTBS a false prophet? If not, I'd like to know which of their prophecies came true. I can name at least 10 that were false which to me equals a false prophet.

    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • non_trias_theos

    Dear stinky

    $$$Is the WTBS a false prophet? If not, I'd like to know which of their prophecies came true. I can name at least 10 that were false which to me equals a false prophet.$$$

    Non has answered this so many times he don't feel like wastin' his time. Read Greg Stafford's book JWD2 and it would save both of us gobbles of time and bytes.

    And non does not believe that the wt is a false prophet. You happy now?

    And non is not confused about free speech being a natural right. Ajax is though.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well "Non" I am new to this site so I haven't read your response to my question. Although whenever I ask a "witness" to name a prophecy fulfilled they can't. I assume they refuse to answer because they know that they can't answer truthfully. Either way you are still a bad JW because you continuosly communicate with "apostates".

    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • Farkel

    : Did you not listen to Farkel? You cannot prove a negative.

    Obviously YOU didn't, non. I said you cannot DISPROVE a negative.


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