They acted without 2 witnesses

by Sirona 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Sirona

    Hello All,

    I've only just been told of a case of suspected child abuse at the local hall.

    The child (aged 4) was alone with the abuser. She told her mother, who told the elders. The elders and mother immediately informed the police, despite the fact that there was only one witness - the child.

    Then the elders proceeded to inform families in the congregation so that they can be on their guard. They didn't announce it, and I'm not sure what is happening now with regard to him being prosecuted. He denied all charges.

    The man and his family have moved congregations, and I hear that the local elders have informed the new congregation.

    Perhaps the message to speak out about child abuse is working?


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  • non_trias_theos

    What if the brother is innocent? He may not be. If he is, though, his reputation could be ruined for nothing. Not enough details given to make a proper judgement.

  • simplesally

    It is widely accepted that a 4 year old would NOT make this stuff up.

    4 year olds know their "private" parts, have been instructed to tell mommy or daddy if someone touches near their panties. 4 year olds rarely, rarely, would make up a scary even like this.

    I would guess that the 4 year old was very credible about what happened. When I was 4 and my grandfather didn't pay me for spelling a word right, I told him to write a check! So, NON, 4 year olds do know what is going on around them and what should not be done to them.

  • Celia

    non-trias, you're not asked to make a judgement...
    the parents of the abused child can do that, not you !


    What if the poor bugger is innocent ?

  • Matty

    What a terrible situation, how tragic for all parties involved.

    I think I can read PANIC in the behaviour of the elders here. It just goes to show, these men are simply not qualified to handle such a situation.

  • hawkaw


    There will be an investigation made by the authorities who are independent and have experience in dealing with these problems.

    Obviously there has been a public accusation and the proper authorities will investigate it. If the authorities find wrong doing, charges will be laid and then they will have to prove these charages in court.

    If he is found not guilty another public message will be made.

    Its the way it should be.

    Open for all to see, not just a few. However, there are ways that the elders should notify families - such as there has been an accusation of abuse and we are letting the correct authorities deal with it - but again that all goes to policy to protect potential victims and the perp's rights.


  • Sirona

    This individual has been suspected in one previous case, where the person's family did not inform the congregation but DID inform the police. I'm not sure if he has been convicted in any of these cases.

    Considering that he has been accused twice by unrelated children, it seems unlikely that he is innocent. The child gave lots of detail that she couldn't possibly have known about at her age.

    Here we highlight the problem with these things - if the accused is innocent - if there is doubt - then should the elders act? We are always saying that WT policy is wrong, but what if someone *is* innocent?


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  • Simon

    This is not really the right way to do things

    The action should not be to spread rumours about someone.

    The police should be called and things investigated by people who frankly are more qualified than the elders.

    If the person is guilty then an announcement should be made.

    It may be appropriate to announce that someone is being investigated but this would depend upon the case IMHO.

    I think the way they are acting shows they are still more concerned with their own image than real protection.

  • ISP

    Sirona,....the elders seem to have abandoned the WTS guidelines on this matter. As far as I know the WTS stance has not changed so this is an isolated incident. I couldn't read much into it.


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