They acted without 2 witnesses

by Sirona 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Sirona


    I'm inclined to agree with you there. The elders have told people he is under investigation as far as I know. Obviously, people are automatically going to think he's guilty. This is probably why the family have moved congregations.

    How can the elders strike a balance in these matters? I would want to know if someone had been *accused* in the congregation even if there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute.


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  • dmouse

    I agree, with Non and Bathory and Simon on this.

    This is going from one extreme to the other.

    As a teacher in a primary school I know how damaging unsubstantiated rumours can be; and don't be misled, children (perhaps not as young as four) DO make malicious accusations.

    ALL accusations must be processed through the proper authorities (NOT the Elders) and confidentiality maintained until guilt or innocence is confirmed. We must protect the children but not at the expense of a paranoid witchhunt which ruins innocent lives.

  • Matty

    dmouse, it's a nightmare isn't it? But if you are a young man like myself, you should accept the reality of the world you are living in, and not get into situations where something like this can happen.

    For instance if I am walking down a quiet street at night and I see a lone woman ahead of me, I will always cross the street to avoid making the lady nervous. You have to apply the same logic to children; don’t be insulted about it, just recognize that there is a problem in society, and it isn’t gonna change in a hurry

    So, for my own protection, just as much as anyone else’s, I would not do any babysitting for anyone, or make special friends of children. It’s very sad, because I love children, but I have to accept the reality. Men have to realise that they should not get themselves into situations like this in the first place.

  • dmouse

    Yes, Matty, it is a sad fact of life today. I've been taught NEVER to be alone with a child in school and always to leave the doors open.

    As a man working with young children I am particularly vulnerable to such accusations, it scares me to death that one day some little kid I pissed off will decide that accusing me of 'touching' him/her is a fun way to get back at me.

  • Pathofthorns

    Beyond going to the authorities and temporarily suspending an individual's "privileges" until the investigation and possible trial is complete, I would agree with those that have given the thumbs down to the "warning" (slander?) being given throughout the congregation.

    I think there are few greater injustices than to ruin a person's character with such an accusation if it turns out to be false. If that person is innocent, all of the public announcements and apologies cannot erase the harm done. It should be left to the trained professionals to carry out their investigative work in a responsible and professional manner.


  • SYN

    Well, those Elders are gonna get fried by the GB for sure, that is, if the GB didn't instruct them to do this in the first place. Thankfully it's out of their hands now and professionals are in charge. I think it's pretty difficult for a 4 year old to make stuff like that up!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)


    I wonder if possibly we could take a look at how the schools handle a situation like this. do they allow an accused child molester to continue teaching in the class room? Or mabie the boy scouts...should the allow a den leader that has been accused continue to lead the den. there was a local cub scout leader here at my daughters school in oregon that was accused and there was a letter sent to every students parents even before the news reported it. IMHO the adults reputation is in no way more important than the safety of the kids. The situation must be tempered with logic but if there is any HINT that kids may be in danger we must all make sure they are safe. We dont wait until a child is hit by a car to validate the danger of playing in the street.



    This individual has been suspected in one previous case, where the person's family did not inform the congregation but DID inform the police. I'm not sure if he has been convicted in any of these cases.

    Considering that he has been accused twice by unrelated children, it seems unlikely that he is innocent. The child gave lots of detail that she couldn't possibly have known about at her age.

    Then how is it you conclude "...[the elders] acted without 2 witnesses"?


  • Matty
    The child (aged 4) was alone with the abuser.
    I've been taught NEVER to be alone with a child in school and always to leave the doors open.

    Innocent or guilty of the abuse claims, the man was definitely in the wrong for being in the position that an accusation COULD be made.

  • Simon

    Slightly off topic but your example reminded me of when I was living at home Matty:

    We lived on a farm, a couple of miles past the end of the bus route past the junction that had very few padestrians (it led nowhere and was over a motorway).

    A young girl lived (I assume) in one of the few houses in the little lane before ours and she always got off the bus first and would then walk nervously in front of me glancing behind her every now and then.

    Of course, I wanted to get home and tend to walk fast anyway but I could tell that me being behind her made her nervous.

    One day, while I was still on the bus, I said "excuse me but ..." and told her where I lived etc ... and if she wanted she could walk with me or let me go on ahead (I said I imagined me walking behind her made her nervous).

    This story doesn't really lead anywhere because I bought a car shortly afterwards but I think you're right - if possible, be aware of the situations but it isn't always possible to avoid them.

    The reason I am so against the 'slander' thing is that we had that used against us (not to do with kids - to do with 'apostacy') and it can be damaging.

    There is a big danger that they will start to use things like this as another 'weapon' - we know they already rubbish people who leave as they cannot stand to have someone quit and be happy / successful so there is a danger I think.

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