If you go to shoreshdavid.org you will find quotes from ancient rabbis saying the Messiah must die, he would be called Gods' son, they believed Isaish 53 is speaking of the Messiah, Jerimiah 31 means God would set up a new covenant through the Messiah, and Daniel 9 predicts when Messiah would arrive.
Also you can verify here and other sites that Jews and non jews reported miraculous events around the temple whithin the fourty years of its destruction in 70c.e., that signifies Gods rejection of the temple and its services,after Jesus' death.
Someting significant happened back then regarding this man Jesus. After all I dont know too many historical men who have created so much contraversy and influence about 2000 years after their death. Mabey we should keep our minds open regarding being critical or supportive of Jesus as The Creators Messiah ,until 100% proof shows up either way.