Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7

by Perry 114 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • myelaine


    you said, " Try this- Nothing about the Trial of Jesus is accurate, nothing about the accusations in the Gospels about the Jews is accurate."...

    Umm...how do you prove to yourself that anything in the OT is accurate?

  • designs

    Archaeology for one, it has disproven many things said in the Jews Bible. Astronomy for another, it has proven Genesis wrong and now only but a few die hard Evangelicals dare take Genesis 1 literally. Biology, DNA findings show the human species has 3-5% Neanderthal genes.

    Over a 15-20 year period as I tried to cling to the Bible and defend it the sciences continually helped steer me to things that said otherwise. Eventually I became an Antheist but a dedicated humanist and environmentalist.

  • myelaine

    Yeah...I meant the stuff you defend as meaning this or that but certainly NOT ________. or put another way, how do you prove to yourself that the law or what isaiah says is sufficiently accurate for you to argue for an interpretation one way or the other

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    I appreciate your research Perry. There is also considerable research that demonstrates the spurious nature of 1 John 5:7. The ORG is not the only religion that rejects this passage. Most scholars agree with them is this regard for a reason.

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    Designs, you say things to disproove Jesus, we show you things that disroove your proofs, then you go no further to give evidence we are wrong( which I welcome). The facts are that Christians from the first century wrote about this Jesus; inside and outside the Bible. Everyone has their own opinions about him. It is obvious that some people are convinced for several reasons that he is our salvation, others are sincerely convinced he is not ,based on just as good reasons.

    My opinion is ,that if many are unconvinced because of their investigation, then how can a just God condemn them? I just hope that the Supreme spirit will one day reveal what is true, and give everyone a chance to accept it.

  • designs

    Michelle- Rabbinic writings lay out certain ideas regarding the Jewish views of the Mashiach (Messiah) so I am giving these views air time to show what was running parallel to the time of Jesus, which the NT never does.

    Chris- you have just reiterated a point of view of what Protestants have been saying for 500 years. What is missing from the Protestant discussions are how Jews viewed those same events and how secular historians viewed those same events. Neither Jesus or Paul get into a honest discussion with the Rabbis of the day. Bar Kokhba was actually a Jew who many thought got closer to being the Mashiach, he actually retook Jerusalem, beating the Roman Army. It was short lived so he was discarded as The One. And that has been the case with the dozens of Jews thought to be the Messiah, they all have come up short, including Jesus of Nazareth.

  • myelaine

    dear designs...

    you completely avoided my question.

    the OT says ______ in isaiah 53:7-10...On what basis do you prove to yourself that it is accurate transmission from God? OR that God even had a message?

    love michelle

  • designs

    I study what Rabbis have recorded on these scriptures and topics over the centuries. Does that answer your question.

  • kaik

    Apognophos, Jews do not need Christians to pray for them. They do just fine without Christians and unlike them, they do not go around to proselyte others about their faith. Jews do not share Christian beliefs, nor accept dead Jewish guy as their Messiah.

    Chris Tann, you mistake by redeeming sin by one individual on behalf other does not make any sense in Judaism because everyone is responsible for his own sin. Christian thinking where Adamic sin was washed away by Jesus never made any sense even to me when I was in JW cult. Adamic sin is invention of Christianity and was accepted in the 4th century by St. Augustine as mainstream theology.

    myelanie, evangelical support for Jews/Israel is not guided for whatsoever interest in well being of the Judaism, but it is a way to justify their religious extremism. Evangelicism hopes that gathering all Jews in one statehood would prove the End is imminient and Jesus will appear at the end of the times. Jews do not care about Jesus, nor about Evangelical religion. Stalin used to support Israel in 1948 and Czechoslovakian communist government was detrimental for aiding Israel in that time. Their reasoning was not guided by love to Jews, but creating another communist paradise in the world. Evangelical preachers and other extremists are guided by similar motion to prove their ideology. Jesus did not die for anyone sins in the sense of Judaism, as there is no redemption of one person on the other. Besides, majority of Jews lived outside Judea at the time of Jesus's death and have no whatsoever knowledge on his existence. Jews had many people who claimed to be Messiah, but only one made it into world's mainstream religion.

  • kaik

    designs, of course Paul did not want to get into discussion with Jewish rabbis, because his teaching were false. He rather run to Rome to seek a help at the court of mass murderer named Nero.

    to Michelle: Is 53:7-10 is in Rabbinic literature associated with the nation of Isreal. There is no sense how G-d can suffer and die. While Christians think that it releates to Jesus, it is not what Jews believe.

    .hebrews 9:18-23

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