The New Success of the WBT$....."JW.ORG".....IT`S OFF THE CHAIN!!..

by OUTLAW 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs



    Anyone who Still Thinks the WBT$ is a Sinking Ship,hasn`t been Paying Attention..

    Those days are over..

    Rebranding from Watchtower to JW.ORG was a Brilliant Marketing move..

    It`s "JW.ORG MANIA" in WBT$ World and JW`s can`t get enough..


    The WBT$ has it`s own Huge Celebrities the "WBT$ GB Rock Star Popes!"..

    Entrances for WBT$ JW Delegates look like "Oscar Night in HollyWood"..

    Theres WBT$ sponsored entertainment for visiting WBT$ JW Delegates..


    WBT$ JW Assemblies look more like Costume Parties..

    JWs wear Traditional Clothing to WBT$ Assemblies, from their country,or part of the country..

    JW`s hold up Huge Signs at WBT$ Assemblies,that Resemble more of a Professional Wrestling Event than a Religious Gathering..


    There`s JW.ORG Merchandise For Sale..

    JW.ORG Hats,Umbrellas,Key Chains,Bracelets,Cuff Links,Tshirts..Ect..ect..ect..

    The WBT$ has it`s own JW.ORG Web Site.....Now an On Line WBT$ "JW.ORG TV Show"..


    ..........................................DID THE WBT$ SELL OUT?!!..

    .......................YOU BET THEY DID AND IT PAID OFF BIG TIME!!!!..




  • Finkelstein

    Jesus says he will take out anyone who commercializes and makes a buck off his in coming Kingdom . $$$

    Jehovah's Witness should take notice.

  • daringhart13

    I really want to offer some reward to the first person that tracks down the marketing agency or image consultant that got them going down this road........ it is clearly the brainchild of someone with PR experience.

    It might even be some Bethelite......but I'm sure they didn't have a college education, right?

  • Magnum

    I just addressed this issue here:

    Outlaw, I agree with you that the rebranding has been a success with the current JWs, but they are mindless, idol-worshipping drones. I agree that the ship isn't sinking right now as far as numbers go, but I say the ship has already sunk as far as quality goes. Many on this site agree that not much is left of what JWdom used to be; it used to be more dignified and serious. The publications used to be deeper. The individual JWs used to be more intelligent and knowledgeable and confident, and they could defend JW doctrine. There are almost no more quality recruits - at least in the informed/educated world.

    So, again, the quality ship has sunk. I think the rebranding is a part of a desperate attempt by the org to keep the entire ship from sinking. And, right now, that might be a success; the numbers ship has not sunk. But what will be the case when all the newness of the rebranding wears off? When the 100-year anniversary fades into the past? When it all just goes back to the plain old boredum, the weekly routine with nothing exciting and no end in sight? The numbers ship might sink, too, then. I actually believe it's already taking on water. I believe that growth is stagnant in the informed world and will become that way in the lesser informed world when it catches up. I'm certainly not going to be be dogmatic about this, but right now, I expect to see declines in the near future. The org is desperately trying to stop the declines. I think that's why we're seeing things like 10-hr basic pioneering, 30-hr aux pioneering, 15 minutes per month allowed for some to stay active, etc. They're trying to keep the numbers up. Why would they have to resort to tricks to keep the numbers up if something wasn't wrong?

    I believe there's a possibility that there might already be some declines that the org is hiding.

  • sloppyjoe2

    I absolutely agree they do tricks to keep the numbers up. They allow 30 hour auxiliary pioneering now when it was sixty just 15 years ago. 90 hours down to 70 for regular pioneers. 15 minutes per month can be reported for field service allowing those people to be counted as publishers. But the ONLY number that actually matters is their cash number, and as of now they are flush with it. Branding and dumbing things down has worked very well. When there is a doctrinal change, JWs don't even know what the old light was so the new light doesn't matter to them at all. I think they have done a fantastic rebranding job of themselves and as of now have secured their finances. Doctrine being right or wrong is meaningless even to die hards. The org is around to stay for long after any of us.

  • bafh

    How about they just get rid of holding people to tracking their numbers and just go by the quality of people they are able to attract and the number of people who attend and get baptized? I think people would be much more drawn in if they weren't beat down for not meeting some number and if they were allowed to measure their own spirituality by the quality of their lives instead of the number of doors they knock on.

    and by the way, WHERE are they purchasing the merchandise? It seems so bizarre to me.



    Hey Magnum!..

    The WBT$ was never about quality or truthfulness..

    It`s been a scam from the get go..

    Although I understand the people who thought it was more than that...


    The best advertising a company can do,is with established customers..

    You never want to lose established customers..

    The WBT$ was having a Major Problem with their JW Customer base..

    JW.ORG and New WBT$ Policies fixed that..

    Lower hours,JW.ORG merchandising,a party atmosphere,a Web Site,TV show,Ipods..Ect..ect..ect..

    There will always be customers who like religion,but don`t want to think too hard..

    The WBT$ fills that niche..


    The WBT$ managed to Save their Ass with JW.ORG..

    The WBT$ Scam will continue for many years to come..



  • Finkelstein

    Brother Steeves says that he's going to milk this JWorg. fad for as long as he can, he says that its the new multi-level marketing deal for

    JWS in the 21st. century.

  • tootired2care

    I wonder if they are going to have sanctioned youth rock concerts next, and separate meetings for the kids. They really ought to throw in a few holidays too. This hardly resembles the cult I was raised in.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    It's true what you (OUTLAW) say:

    'The best advertising a company can do,is with established customers..

    You never want to lose established customers..'

    However, a business that relies too much on its customers base has several realities to deal with sooner or later...

    1. Customers eventualy die off.

    2. Other customers for what ever reason move from your geographical area of doing business.

    3. And then there are those customers who notice that your product and service isn't what it used to be and in fact is soo inferior compared to what you used to offer that they wind up with a competitor of yours.

    Right now the WTBTS is suffering from all the above:

    1. Many of WT's oldtime loyalists are literally disabled and dying off or are dead.

    2. Then you have an abundance of children who grew up in the organization who have and are currenting fading away (that's the reason why WT is hitting and stressing soo hard that feature of worship they recently implemented that they call 'Family Worship Night').

    3. And there are the rest of WT's customer base who are living a double life (Elders and their wives, Ministerial Servants and their wives, Pioneers and the rest of the rank and file). These remember what life as a Jehovah Witness used to be like years ago and who today are witnessing a flip-flopping and hypocrisy in WT land that knows no limits.

    So whatever success WT supposedly currently leads on its' having will be shortlived!

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