Anyone who Still Thinks the WBT$ is a Sinking Ship,hasn`t been Paying Attention..
Those days are over..
Rebranding from Watchtower to JW.ORG was a Brilliant Marketing move..
It`s "JW.ORG MANIA" in WBT$ World and JW`s can`t get enough..
The WBT$ has it`s own Huge Celebrities the "WBT$ GB Rock Star Popes!"..
Entrances for WBT$ JW Delegates look like "Oscar Night in HollyWood"..
Theres WBT$ sponsored entertainment for visiting WBT$ JW Delegates..
WBT$ JW Assemblies look more like Costume Parties..
JWs wear Traditional Clothing to WBT$ Assemblies, from their country,or part of the country..
JW`s hold up Huge Signs at WBT$ Assemblies,that Resemble more of a Professional Wrestling Event than a Religious Gathering..
There`s JW.ORG Merchandise For Sale..
JW.ORG Hats,Umbrellas,Key Chains,Bracelets,Cuff Links,Tshirts..Ect..ect..ect..
The WBT$ has it`s own JW.ORG Web Site.....Now an On Line WBT$ "JW.ORG TV Show"..
..........................................DID THE WBT$ SELL OUT?!!..
.......................YOU BET THEY DID AND IT PAID OFF BIG TIME!!!!..