That would be a great Subject for JW.ORG TV..
"Will there be Licence Plates in the New System?!".....LOL!!..
The WBT$ could probably do an entire series on "New System Licence Plates"..LOL!!!!..
The Marketing for JW.ORG has been a Block Buster..
Who would have thought the WBT$ could have pulled it off?!.....I certainly didn`t..
Like everyone else,I saw the WBT$ "Circling the Drain/Dying a Slow Progressive Death..
The Success of JW.Org is beyond anything I thought the WBT$ was capable of..
That being said..
Your right..
There are still going to be people seeing the WBT$ for what it is.....But.....Sad to say..
I think the WBT$ has Removed the Possibility of any Crippling Damage..
............................................................With The Success of JW.ORG..