Sister pleads guilty to killing her newborn while at congregation outing!

by Atlantis 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlwaysBusy

    She beat her baby to death, because she was a Witness. He slowly cut a man's head off because he was Muslim. A 7 year-old-boy, under the direction of his father, beheaded a Syrian because he was raised in Islam. The Mafia brutally killed hundreds of people and said 'Hail Marys' for redemption because they were Catholic. The KKK hung blacks and they prayed to Jesus in front of a burning cross. How about this..... all of these people committed these heinous crimes because they are/were ... criminally insane/mentally ill.

    IMHO...the reason that JWs crimes are seen as much worse is that the JW religion is supposed to be God's only true religion, God's people. I used to think that we were all happy and just about perfect. Little did I know.

    Anyway, take care.


  • Legacy

    @Always Busy,

    Exactly....they claim to be clean...that's why they DF. So you are so right, if they didn't claim to be God's organinzation & the only ones with the truth, then I don't think folks would point fingers at them. But they love persecution, if they don't get it, they drum it up. I'm glad I researched them before I went in the water & found out they were not perfect or clean, so I thought, wow, this is the place for me....Folks kill & say, it's either the devil told them to do it or God...all in the name if religion...Great points AB...


  • L3G

    Thanks for this. I too missed the earlier posts.

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