Big Ray on Disfellowshipped Members

by truth_hurts 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • truth_hurts

    I was in, but I am now out.

  • truth_hurts

    More on hockeyman ... was he disfellowshipped or not?

    From: Timothy Sampson
    Date: Tue Jun 27, 2000 10:38am
    Subject: Re: Regarding Hockeyman....

    I agree that posting privs should be yanked.

    Since this is not a congregation arrangement, I'm not sure that we can actually make an announcement that he has been disfellowshipped without causing some problems.

    My suggestion is to either give him the chance to post that he has been disfellowshipped and will not be participating on the DB anymore or to get written permission from him to make such an announcement. In either case, the thread would be locked after that one posting....that is fair notice.


  • mommy

    I hate to say this......But you ACTIVELY partook in all of this? You thought this was ok at one time?
    I can honestly say that outright talking about it really disgusts me. I know that you were blinded by the wtbts, but doesn't common decency kick in somewhere? I never had the ability to be an adult in the wtbts I left when I was 17 and worked my behind off to get rid of the hold they had on me.
    I am not critizeing(sp?) I am asking what hold they must have had to had on you, for you to actually discuss this and still keep a straight face. Mommy shaking her head at all the people that have been fooled and all those still fooled. I remember those days well, and am so glad they are gone.

  • waiting

    hello wendy,

    Imho, most active jw's, particularily reading this from a brother, would accept what was said. Most particularily if they were women. We are taught absolutely no association with df'd persons. If a person has been *marked* by elders - we are to pay attention and not association outside meetings with the marked person.

    These things are taken quite seriously in different places of the world. You left the organization as a teenager - in our neck of the woods - south usa - these are serious matters, whether on the net, next door, or in your own family. If you see a df'd person at the mall - keep walking past them as if they did not exist. Happens on a regular basis here. Don't go to stores where df'd persons work.

    This jw brother's comments don't surprise me at all. I've heard the same around the dinner table by elders in our family. If you don't agree - you certainly remain silent, particularily women. At least till you get home behind closed doors.


  • DriveslikeJehu
    Even though I hadn't posted any "controversial" posts on their site! They admitted this in a letter to me, which I posted here a month or so ago.

    Prisca, it was most likely because of a post that you made here. It was mentioned in the email from the WOL admin that you posted here earlier.

  • SEAKEN2001

    I'm confused.

    Who's Big Ray? and What does this have to do with


  • waiting

    Join the club. Some of us stay confused around here.


  • Prisca

    That is true, DLJ, but can you recall me posting any controversial posts on WOL?

    Did I question the FDS on WOL?
    Did I denounce the Society at all?
    Did I encourage anyone on WOL to read "apostate" lierature?
    Did I discourage anyone from the witnessing work?
    Did I refer any WOL posters to this site?

    If the answers to these questions are NO, then what bad influence could I possibly be by being a member of WOL? I didn't brag about being inactive, though I would tell people who asked me.

    How many members know about I didn't until late last year, and that was only by referral.

    So why are the WOL admins spying on dbs on which "apostates" and Df'd ones post? Don't they listen to the FDS?

    For that matter, DLJ do you normally associate with df'd and "apostate" persons in your home town? Do your parents know that you do (via this DB)? Do you mind if we contact your cong and ask your elders the same question? Hmmm?

  • ozziepost

    Don't worry SEAKEN2001, most of the family are friendly. Big Ray's the loner who blows into town now and again. I think he had hormone trouble years ago, and he's never been the same since. Pay no heed. He's going soon.

    Ozzie (enjoying another glass of shiraz)

  • RR


    I never had the ability to be an adult in the wtbts I left when I was 17 and worked my behind off to get rid of the hold they had on me.

    <Ahem!> Okay Mommy, would you please stand up and let us see your behind?

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

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