Big Ray on Disfellowshipped Members

by truth_hurts 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR


    I'm confused.

    Who's Big Ray? and What does this have to do with

    VIOLA! The man himself!

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

  • ozziepost

    should we recognize this dude with the over-sized eyeglasses?

    Ozzie (of the eyes wide iopen class)

  • Focus

    "Big Ray" is the ap^H^HJW who runs the Witnesses On Line kindergarten. He and I go back a while - nothing pleasant.

    I wouldn't rely on the photo either.

    (Mean Critters Class)

  • GeneBean

    Hey Big Big Ray !! Im DF and i will post here when i feel free. Im not shuned here like i am at the Kingdom Hall, maybe you should go somewhere else . GENE...........

  • GeneBean

    Gozz.......... Thanks for your comments.Well said.

  • DriveslikeJehu


    Did I denounce the Society at all?

    Yes, albeit mildly. That was the post they mentioned in the email they sent you, which you posted here. I really don't feel like looking for it right now.

  • unanswered

    thank you, ozziepost, for clearing up who big ray is for me also. when i read that letter i was starting to think that i couldn't get away from the WT bs no matter where i went. flashbacks of elders pounding on my door.

  • somebody


    :I was thinking, (which is a dangerous thing) If we are to consider Hockeyman "Marked", shouldn't a thread be started to indicate proper decorum on the subject? In the congregation, when someone is disciplined, a talk is given at the KH during the Service Meeting to indicate inappropriate behavior. It is then left to the congregation to decide how to act.

    So the whole congregation would know what the one "disciplined" did? Is being "marked" the same thing as being publicly reproved? If not..can you explain what the difference is?


  • DFshipped

    Big Ray
    I applaud your attempt to keep df'd people from what is a truly organizationally loyal forum. I hope to join you there one day.
    Please see my post under "Make new Friends" and direct anyone there who you feel would be interested.
    Most people here make it clear who and what they are, thats kewl, and you have the right to do the same. I've been shot down in flames by some, and respected by others.
    Keep it up.

  • DFshipped

    Dear somebody
    Let me try to answer your question.
    First of all there is one humugous misundferstanding about this phrase
    "public reproof"
    There is no such thing as "Public Reproof" The correct terminology is " reproof before onlookers" So example 1) A person commits a serious ( dfshipping ) offence and it is known only by one or a few people and is unlikely to be known by many ...that person is reproved in front of just those "Onlookers" those who are aware of the wrongdoing, so they "may be in fear"
    " Public reproof" occurs when the announcement is made in the congregation because the wrongdoing is likely known by all ( example with a pregnancy or publicized action) Some call this a PUBLIC reproof but it is still a reproof before onlookers.....the onlookers being all those that will know of the wrongdoing. Not a public reproof.
    Being marked is when a person is conducting themselves in a way that showes disregard for theocratic order. Example a brother who is flirtatous and flits from and hurts one sister after another dating and disrespecting the priciple of comitment. A talk "marking " him is given. Many will not be aware of who the talk is about and may not mark that person as he poses no threat to them ( like an elderly couple ) BUT a parent with young daughters will likely be aware of this dangerous lil don Juan and mark him as bad potentially dangerous social association. Not shunning him, just perhaps excluding him from their social circle to protect the daughter.
    Now that is WISDOM from above !!!!!
    Any questions, please email me

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