couples having problems and getting divorced must be a problem in the jehovahs witnesses. The articles are definately an interesting read. They give plenty of bad advise as usual. If you have a bad marriage it is because you do not pray enough, don't have family worship and arent trusing in Jehovah enough.
January 15, 2015 watchtower 3 study articles about marriage.
by hoser 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
HOSER- Do you have some quotes from the articles that you might be able to share here ? Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Because they can only marry within the cult, selection is limited. This leads to incompatible marriages.
Also the qualities looked for in a mate are primarily field service hours and organizational status.
These things do not a good marriage mate make.
All for show
I saw this yesterday, it also has the article about the memorial? They have the same advice in jw tv, for the kid being bullied. Pray, have family worship, and go out in service. All the people giving advice live in a bubble and know not of what they speak, don't listen!!
What Londo said. Once you realize that there is no big A coming and that Jesus isn't fixing anything, you also realize that you are stuck in a relationship/prison. Some only realize this on the subconscious level. All manner of destructive behavior results from this realization.
Having to wake up to the same person, day after friggin day, year after year, decade after decade, all the while knowing they are NOT your soul mate. That is a heavy burden. Also, the WTBTS puts even more pressure on a marriage with their legalism. A mate can't just "be" and be loved. They must perform works, be SOMEONE in the cult [ especially men ] to earn love. The authentic person is not good enough. How can that type of enviroment help a relationship?
Once you have children, it's even worse.
DD: They must perform works, be SOMEONE in the cult [ especially men ] to earn love. The authentic person is not good enough
Everyone knows that the best basis for a fulfilling relationship is to marry an Elder or Pioneer. Authenticity is overrated.
"Listen, [marry an Elder], and be blessed".
If you are happy because you married your soulmate you are spiritually weak and deluded. If that person didn't have a title (Elder), then you made the wrong choice, regardless of how happy you are.
January 15, 2015 Study WT
Oh how true DD and DCMS!!
Its so sad...yet very true...
How many of our lives have been ruined by this!?
Oh and don't forget that you have to get married really quickly because you can't control yourself.... You don't get the time to really know the person you are marrying properly because all your time together MUST be chaperoned (in case you have sex) so you never get to be alone until your wedding night with your stranger (preferably virgin) new spouse. Fun times!
Glad me and my husband refused to conform. Took us two years of "courting" until we got married, we went totally against the norm but then another couple in our hall did the same so we set a trend! Glad we waited but still that first year was hell!
Well, at least while they're droning on about the organizational requirements of making la-la land happy marriages, they're leaving children and apostates alone.